ANSEPT66 Please identify this plant : 11 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (3).

Abbey Falls, Madikeri, Coorg
August 2014

Is it Syzygium?

It is a Rubiaceae plant may be Psychotria sp; opposite leaves with inter petiolar stipule, inferior ovary are distinct from the 3rd image.

Psychotria  some‎ species in eFIoraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available)

As per my opinion, this seems to be Ixora brachiata or I. pavetta !!! Id confirmation is needed.

Pavetta thomsonii Bremek. is reported from Abbey falls aera of coorg. The plant list is treating it synonymous with Pavetta indica L.

Shall I keep it as P. indica/ Ixora brachiata for now?

This is surely not Pavetta, Ixora is more nearer !!!

Ixora lawsonii Gamble ??

I think it looks different from Ixora lawsonii as per Flora of Peninsular India and GBIF.