Psidium guineense Sw., Prodr. Veg. Ind. Occ. 77 1788. (Syn: Campomanesia multiflora (Cambess.) O.Berg; Campomanesia tomentosa Kunth; Eugenia hauthalii (Kuntze) K.Schum.; Eugenia hauthalii (Kuntze) K. Sch.; Guajava albida (Cambess.) Kuntze; Guajava benthamiana (O.Berg) Kuntze; Guajava costa-ricensis (O.Berg) Kuntze; Guajava guineensis (Sw.) Kuntze; Guajava laurifolia (O.Berg) Kuntze; Guajava mollis (Bertol.) Kuntze; Guajava multiflora (Cambess.) Kuntze; Guajava ooidea (O.Berg) Kuntze; Guajava polycarpa (Lamb.) Kuntze; Guajava schiedeana (O.Berg) Kuntze; Guajava ypanemense (O. Berg) Kuntze; Guajava ypanemensis (O.Berg) Kuntze; Mosiera guineensis (Sw.) Bisse; Myrtus guineensis (Sw.) Kuntze; Myrtus hauthalii Kuntze; Psidium albidum Cambess.; Psidium araca Raddi .; Psidium benthamianum O.BergPsidium campicolum Barb.Rodr.; Psidium chrysobalanoides Standl.; Psidium costa-ricense O.Berg; Psidium dichotomum Weinm.; Psidium jollyanum A.Chev.; Psidium laurifolium O.Berg; Psidium lehmannii Diels; Psidium minus Mart. ex DC. [Invalid]; Psidium molle Bertol. ..; Psidium monticola O.Berg ..; Psidium multiflorum Cambess.; Psidium ooideum O.Berg ….; Psidium polycarpon Lamb.; Psidium popenoei Standl.; Psidium rotundifolium Standl.; Psidium rufinervum Barb.Rodr.; Psidium schiedeanum O.Berg; Psidium schippii Standl.; Psidium sericiflorum Benth.; Psidium ypanemense O.Berg);
Argentina (Corrientes, Misiones), S-Brazil (Santa Catarina), Paraguay (Amambay, Caazapa, Canindeyu, Central, Concepcion, Cordillera, Paraguari), Mexico (Campeche, Chiapas, Colima, Durango, Guerrero, Jalisco, Michoacan, Nayarit, Oaxaca, Queretaro, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Sinaloa, Tabasco, Veracruz, Yucatan), Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, French Guiana, Guyana, Surinam, Venezuela (Amazonas, Anzoategui, Aragua, Bolivar, Cojedes, Delta Amacuro, Distrito Federal, Falcon, Guarico, Lara, Merida, Miranda, Monagas, Nueva Esparta, Portuguesa, Sucre, Tachira, Trujillo, Zulia), Bolivia (Beni, Chuquisaca, La Paz, Santa Cruz, Tarija), Colombia (Amazonas, Antioquia, Boyacá, Caldas, Caquetá, Casanare, Cauca, Cesar, Cundinamarca, Huila, La Guajira, Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Quindío, Risaralda, Santander, Valle, Vaupés, Vichada), Ecuador, Peru, N-Brazil (Amapa, Para, Amazonas), NE-Brazil (Maranhao, Ceara, Rio Grande do Norte, Paraiba, Pernambuco, Bahia, Alagoas, Sergipe), WC-Brazil (Mato Grosso, Goias, Mato Grosso do Sul), SE-Brazil (Minas Gerais, Espirito Santo, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Cuba (introduced), Hispaniola, Trinidad, Jamaica, Lesser Antilles (Guadeloupe, Martinique), Marquesas Isl. (introduced), Southern Marianas (introduced) (Guam (introduced)), Society Isl. (introduced) (Tahiti (introduced), Raiatea (introduced)), Australia (introduced) (Queensland (introduced)), Angola (introduced), Congo (Brazzaville) (introduced), Benin (introduced), Java (introduced), Sri Lanka (introduced) as per Catalogue of Life;

Shrubs to small trees, branchlets terete, pubescent. Leaves subopposite or opposite, subcoriaceous, 8-10 cm, broadly elliptic-oblong, pellucid dotted, entire, pubescent beneath; lateral nerves 8-10 pairs, looping; petiole 1-1.5 cm long. Flowers slightly fragrant. Calyx tube adnate to the ovary, imperfectly 5- lobed, green, pubescent without. Petals 5, caducous, white, spathulate, 1.5 x 1 cm. Stamens c. 200, white; filaments 1-1.2 cm long; anthers oblong, 0.1- 0.5 cm long, introrse, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary many- celled, ovules many in each locule; style 1.3 cm long, white, stigma capitate. Berry globose, 2-3 cm diameter, pubescent, yellow when ripe; seeds many, embedded in the creamy-yellow flesh.

Flowering and fruiting: January-October
Degraded deciduous forests
Native of South America
(From India Biodiversity Portal
Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi)

This plant is native to the Americas, where its natural range extends from Mexico to Argentina, and includes parts of the Caribbean. It has been widely introduced outside of this range, and it is cultivated in some places. It is naturalized in parts of India.[1]

The plant grows best on sunny sites with moist, fertile soils, but it is tolerant of a wide range of conditions and can grow in disturbed areas and in bad soils. It does not tolerate salinity or flooded substrates.[2] In Brazil it is most common in coastal areas.[4]
This plant can be a shrub 1 to 3 meters tall or a tree reaching 7 meters. The bark and foliage are grayish. The leaves are up to 14 centimeters long by 8 wide. The stiff, oval-shaped blades sometimes have toothed edges. The undersides are very glandular and are coated in pale or reddish hairs. Flowers grow in the leaf axils, singly or in clusters of up to 3. The flower has a white corolla and many stamens.[1] It is fragrant.[3] The fruit is firm, rounded, and up to 2.5 centimeters wide. It has a yellow skin, a yellow outer pulp and whitish inner pulp containing many seeds.[1]
The pulp of the fruit is said to have a tart, strawberry-like taste.[1] It has also been described as bitter.[3] Different varieties have different tastes, and some are sweet enough to eat as raw fruit.[2] They make good fruit preserves.[1]
This species has been crossed with its relative, the common guava. The resulting fruits are small, but numerous.[1]
(From Wikipedia on 14.10.14)

SHIBPUR IBG : sk-Oct-05 : Psidium sp.? : 8 posts by 5 authors. Attachments(5).
This is also from India Botanic, Shibpur

Probably Psidium cattleyanum?

No idea Sir, leaves are rather guava like, not shiny as images of Psidium cattleyanum found in the net. Moreover nerves are distinct in these images.

flowers and the developing fruits do remind me of guava

Yes, this is very similar to guava, except the bark, may be a special cultivar.

Please check for Psidium guineense.
In IBG three spp are listed- P. guajava, P. guineense and P. littorale. Your pics resemble to P. guineense.

Thank you very much …, it is P. guineense.

Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Sagar Upvan, Mumbai in December 2014.
Does this belong to this family at all?


Looks like a species of Psidium.

Although the leaves are a bit different, I think, it is still a cultivar of Psidium guajava.

Thank you ….. for feedback…
I was confused because of the leaves, they did not look like the normal guava leaves… 

To me appears close to images of … at Psidium guineense Sw. 

Well, Sir, the differences are given in http://keys.lucidcentral./Psidium_guineense_(Brazilian_Guava).htm
I request … to check her species herself.

Psidium guajava flower – indiantreepix | Google Groups : 2 images.
This Psidium guajava (Peru) flowering was seen at Sagar Upavan (BPT gardens), Mumbai on 30 August ’09.

To me appears close to images of … at Psidium guineense Sw. 

Well, Sir, the differences are given in http://keys.lucidcentral.Psidium_guineense_(Brazilian_Guava)
I request … to check her species herself.

Crassulaceae, Combretaceae and Myrtaceae Fortnight :: Myrtaceae :: ID Request :: Lonavala :: ARKDEC-51 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
Requesting to please provide ID of the plant captured at Lonavala in August 2013.
Had posted it earlier here but not conclusively IDed…Hoping to get ID in the family fortnight…

Is it from TATA garden?
There is one Jam tree there.

No, this was from a private nursery in Lonavala…


Requesting ID of this plant – Lonavala – October 2013 :: 01022014 :: ARK-02 : Attachments (3). 7 posts by 5 authors.
Requesting to please ID this plant in a nursery in Lonavala, Maharashtra in October 2013.

flowers looks like Guava and other picture leaves look like Arrabidaea magnifica

जाम ?

A member of Rosaceae.
a Sp. of Pyrus ?

Yes, it looks similar, but the problem is 
1) flowers should be 1 to 3 per cluster, as per key in linkand description in link and 
2) the first pic.

Thanks … for the reference links…
This plant is showing some features of P. guineense (I think, flower cluster of 3) and some of P. cattleianum var. cattleianum (glabrous leaves). The venation does not match any of the 2 plants….
Hopefully, we get the correct ID…