Swertia cuneata Wall. ex D. Don, London Edinburgh Philos. Mag. & J. Sci. 8: 77 1836. (Syn: Swertia asterocalyx T.N. Ho & S.W. Liu); 






ID request –enroute Dhel pass- GHNP – PKA6 : 7 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6).

This herb was spotted enroute Dhel Pass at an altitude of approx 3800m.
Could this be some Swertia sp..
Date/Time: 28-09-2-14 / 01:30PM

It seems to be Lomatogonium carinthiacum, with very prominent light blue flowers, usually in blossom during September.

Looking like Lomatogonium carinthiacum, but not very sure

May be correct, we both guessed independently. I am seeing it after nearly 40 years. 

please also check for Swertia cuneata.

I can’t see bundles of hairs or two nectaries at the base of corolla lobes, as found in S. cuneata





Swertia cuneata from Uttarakhand: Oct. 2014_DSR_3 : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2).

Swertia cuneata D.Don (Gentianaceae) is a common herb between 3500- 4500m altitude in Uttarakhand. Can be seen in flowering up to October.
Photographed near Vedni Bugyal, Chamoli district, Uttarakhand. 

Nice pics… Look similar to one i got at GHNP..



small Herb for id from way to Hemkund sahib
One one shot available for this plant
id pls

Looks like some Jaeschkea sp.

Swertia cuneata (Gentianaceae), flowers yet to open.



ID280910NS01 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (2)

I’ve just joined this group and I already have ID requests:) I photographed some flowers during a trek in Uttarakhand earlier this month. I’ve managed to identify most of them from various sources, but a few have still eluded me. Hoping to get some help here:) Thank you in advance!This is the first one. I found these very beautiful so I’m very curious to know their name:
the info i can provide is as below:
Location- Chamoli, Uttarakhand, around 12,000ft asl

Habitat- wild
Plant Habit- Shrub or herb I guess

Height/Length – can’t remember, perhaps 7-8 inches
Flower colour – blue
Any info would be welcome.

Perhaps Swertia sp.

or could be Lomatogonium 


Thank you for the responses, they have been very helpful.

I think it may certainly be a variant of Swertia, but am not sure as the carpel seems different compared to the pictures I have found on the net. There is also certainly a similarity to Lomatogonium as … says but again the carpel as well as the stamens seem to differ a little.
I am attaching a photgraph that i had taken of some buds which while photographing I had mistakenly assumed to be the same as these flowers. However, now I feel they are bulbs of Lomatogonium or at least another flower of the family.
However, I have found this very helpful, since I now at least have an indication that it is clearly from the Gentianaceae family, and can
use this as base for hunting further. I did not even have that starting point earlier.
… – I will certainly post the identified flowers as well, and more unidentified.
I am merely an amateur, so please do not address me as ji:)
Attachments (1)

Looks like Lomatogonium carinthiacum to me
There is another species, Lomatogonium caeruleum, but that is found from Pakistan to Kashmir. The first one is more wide spread. 


Yes … is right

Here is my herbarium specimen from Kashmir.
Attachments (1)

Thank you … It certainly looks similar to the one in the herbarium:) 

Looks different from images of Lomatogonium carinthiacum at

To me appear close to images at Swertia cuneata Wall. ex D. Don though details are hardly visible in the posted images.