

Caryophyllceae Week: Cerastium? for id from Kosani..: This was again a Caryophyllacean.. shot from near Kosani town… this also looked like a Cerastium sp… but different from the one uploaded by me earlier, in smaller broadly elliptic leaves..and two? styles… petals look almost similar to that one…help required…

Looks similar to me

Key are available at efloraindia.nic.in

Please check for Stellaria paniculata.

Thanks, … for the Id.
I think appears to match with images at Stellaria monosperma var. paniculata


SK 2998 28 September 2021: 4 very high res. images.
Location: Kalikot, West Nepal
Altitude: 2600 m.
Date: 15 August 2021
Habit : Wild
Stellaria monosperma var. paniculata (Edgew.) Majumdar. ?? ??

Yes, as per keys at Flora of China

Thank you … !
Stellaria monosperma var. paniculata (Edgew.) Majumdar