Polystichum squarrosum (D. Don) Fée, Mém. Foug. 5: 278 1852. (Syn: Aspidium squarrosum D. Don; Polystichum apicisterile Ching & S.K. Wu; Polystichum integripinnulum Ching);
Indian Subcontinent to China (SW. Sichuan) and N. Myanmar: Assam, China South-Central, East Himalaya, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Tibet, West Himalaya as per POWO;


Fern for ID/ABNOV05 : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
The central rib of this beautiful fern has the texture (and colour) of a jute rope. The fronds are dark bluish green and long. These ones were about 80cm. I am not sure if it belongs to the Drynaria genus. Please help with the ID.
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
06 November, 2014

Here we go, … I have taken the upper surface again just in case I am mistakenly photographing a different fern. 2 images.

It is Polystichum sp.

Thanks …, that’s very prompt and co-operative readiness.
I am  going to wait and see what … has to say

That’s Polystichum squarrosumused for decoration sometimes, including in Delhi, but gathered around Simla.
Very pretty fern and quite rigid leaves. Nice photos you took!

I did not take the pictures, … did, he even went back got us the spores pics… because i knew you would most likely want to see them.
I really appreciate your prompt help in the id and help. You are always kind ..

Thank you … Our area is rich in ferns and there are several I do not recognise. Please expect more ferns soon.

Consolidating my earlier post ‘Fern for ID/ABNOV05’ : 2 posts by 2 authors.
… had confirmed the ID of this fern from my earlier post as Polystichum squarrosum. Thanks to … for forwarding my post to … and his reply to me.
I am adding some new photographs with a few ID points here.

Polystichum squarrosum
Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
04 December 2014
Large common fern with fronds reaching around 60cm here.
Pinnules are shiny, leathery (coriaceous) dark green (more blue than yellow) and the channeled stipe is covered densely with brown scales.
Pinnules have a projection at the bottom and the top edge has couple of teeth that dwindle in size toward the pinnule apex.
Sori are round, brown and about 5-6 in number on each pinnule.

Polystichum squarrosum ABJUN01/15 : 1 post by 1 author. 6 images.
These common ferns here are in various stages of development and look beautiful. I am sharing some pictures from today. Please correct me if I am misidentifying these.
Polystichum squarrosum
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
30 june 2015


Fwd: Polystichum fern from Dalhousie for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)
I attach 3 images from Dalhousie of a fern taken at Dalhousie – which I hope may prove sufficient for our fern expert to identify? 

Polystichum squarrosumFor ferns you nearly always need to show the lower half of the frond plus stipe, rather than tips.
Both Osmunda claytoniana and P. squarrosum are very common and well known throughout the West Indo-Himalaya.

Thanks again …
Stewart recorded Polystichum squarrosum (D.Don) Fee as ‘The Red Bearded Christmas Fern’ – with records from Hazara and Poonch @ 1800-2700m.  He considered it was commoner East of Kashmir, which Dalhousie is.
I remain a beginner with ferns. My apologies for neglecting to photograph the other parts of the fern- I should have known better but do have something as an excuse, since I had barely slept in two days (and the vehicle we had crossed the Sach Pass in was in very dangerous condition,
despite assurances to the contrary, so more than a little relieved to still be in one piece at the time) so my mind was not fully functioning plant-photography wise……
I think it will be helpful if I post a selection of images of a Dryopteris I photographed last year in the UK to illustrate for group members what shots would be useful for them to take (and the then the best selected) to post for you to look at, to INCREASE the chances you will be able to identify the less common/familiar species of fern AND to improve the value of such images to you.
Hopefully, in time, digital photography, provided high-quality close-ups are taken, can help with improving knowledge and understanding of ferns in India COMPLIMENTARY collection of pressed specimens. As with flowering plants, it is important that the photographer knows WHICH PARTS of the plant are the most important – as often in the past, these were omitted/missed altogether.
Last year I took 700+ images (for free of course) of flowers near a local canal. In the 1980s and 1990s that would have been the equivalent of 20+ rolls of 36 exposure slide film – the most I could afford for a month or more in the Himalaya. How times have changed. We no longer HAVE to limit ourselves to 1 or 2 photos per plant.
I am regularly requesting that more images are taken per flowering plant covering not just a general shot or two showing habit and the flowers but habitat, close-ups of petals, sepals, front and rear, foliage incl. undersides of leaves etc.
Whilst Marijn whose fern photos taken in Baltistan I have asked your help with, did not necessarily take all the close-ups of flowers or foliage I would have ideally wished for,  his often several images per species showing the habit and habitat are great (some of the images an absolute delight) and so informative.  Knowing better the environment where a plant grows is really important.


SK1009 13 MAR-2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

LocationDolakha, Nepal
Altitude:  5600 ft.
Date: 15 October 2011
Habit : Wild

That’s a repetition of a normal specimen of Polystichum squarrosum. Was this the right photo? Sent a second time…