Euphorbia corrigioloides Boiss., Cent. Euphorb. 11 1860. (Syn: Chamaesyce corrigioloides (Boiss.) Soják; Euphorbia disticha Engelm. ex Boiss.);

Images by Muthu Karthick – Id by N.P.Balakrishnan



Root stout, crowned with a short stock ; branches long and flexuous, 4-10 in., pale, usually much stouter than in other species of this section. Leaves distichously spreading, thickly coriaceous, base rounded or obliquely cordate ; petiole short, thick ; stipules short, triangular, lacerate. Cymes leafy at the base. Involucres turbinate, 1/14 in. diam., shortly pedicelled ; lobes broad and cleft to the base into many bristles; limb when present often broader than the gland and very conspicuous. Styles more slender than in others of the section, but this character seems variable. Capsule 1/14 in. diam.— Except by its stout habit, perennial root and longer styles, it is not easy to distinguish some states of this from some of F. hypericifolia. Between E. disticha and corrigioloides, as distinguished by Boissier, I can find no good diagnosis. Of the former be says, “Very closely allied to E. corrigioloides, but appearing to differ in the very short internodes, short styles, &c.,” characters which I find applicable to specimens of the latter. (from The Flora of British India from IBIS Flora)
Plant growing wild at the edge of paddy field outside Chennai.

All parts glabrous, tinged red (mature capsules not seen ), flowering in October, 
leaves entire with an oval red spot, somewhat leathery.  
Seems to be E. corrigioloides. (referred on e-flora of Karaikal District.)

Yes, this appears to be Euphorbia corrigioloides Boiss.

Thanks to … for his expert opinion and to … for keeping alive.  The superb mentoring by … to botanists and non-botanists (like myself) during Euphorbiaceae week was memorable. 

…, I would be grateful to learn  some distinctive characteristics for this species and which are  other very similar species ? 

Below are some descriptive  details for the plant seen and 1 close-up of flower. Thanks and regards

·  Stems prostrate ,upto 12″ long, glabrous , tinged red,

·  Leaves opposite, oblong ovate, upper flowering shoot leaves entire, apex rounded, base obliquely rounded/ sub-cordate, elongated oval area  red spot(s) , adaxially green, abaxially glaucous, leathery,  venation obscure except for central;  stipules jointed into triangular shape with broken apex

·  Inflorescence  on one side only at each pair of nodes,  short flowering shoot (or leafy few flowered cyme);  Ovary stalked exserted from cyathia, , red; Male flowers in 4 clusters all around the ovary, filaments appear connected and of varying heights about half height of ovary

·  Lf blade 10-13mm x 5 -6mm; Petiole  1- 1.5mm, Cyathia 3mm, appendages reniform/ U shaped 3mm transversally, Ovary 1mm long



Fwd: Euphorbia sp. for identification :: Chennai :: MKMAY014 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (5)
Please help me in identifying this small herb of Euphorbia species, spread across 20-25 cm on ground.
Habitat: scrub forest floor
Alt.: 30 m asl
Date: 13 May 2015
Place: Kelambakkam, Kancheepuram Dist., TN

might be Euphorbia maculata 

syn. Chamaesyce maculata (L.) 
Common namespotted spurge or prostrate spurge

what an interesting leaf… with red spots in the middle and memorable pink flowers

Likely to be Euphorbia prostrata. … will confirm.

euphorbia prostrata with red spots in the leaf? ==
its more like what … suggested: e maculata, is it not?

Yes …, I have seen E. prostrata even with dark red leaves, probably it depends on  ecological factors.  Here the habit is prostrate and the fruits are ripening outside cyathium. Hence  I suggested the identity. We have to wait for the comments of …

so how do i distinguish the two?

The plant is E. corrigioloides Boiss., common in coastal areas on sandy soil in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu. It is related to and similar to E. rosea Retz., but can be distinguished by the limbs of glands which are of the same size in contrast to the two sizes in E. rosea. Further, E. corrigioloides possess reddish a blotch on the upper surface at the middle of leaves, which are absent in E. rosea. The branching pattern is also different. In E. corrigioloides several branches arise from rootstock, which do not show much branching above. Whereas in E. rosea the rootstock produces only one stem, which repeatedly branches dichotomously above.
So you can be sure that your plant is E. corrigioloides L.




Identification of Euphorbia sp. : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Pl help me to identify the attached specimen of Euphorbia sp.
Observed at Chennai
Prostrate plant with terminal cyathia
leaves with brown markings at the centre of the leaves.

This is Euphorbia corrigioloides Boiss., common near coastal regions of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Maharashtra.