Crotalaria multiflora (Arn.) Benth. (Syn: Crotalaria bifaria var. multiflora Arn.);

The most robust and showy species of the section. Leaves distinctly stalked, sub-coriaceous, dark green, glandular, punctate, usually 1-2 in., but reaching in a narrow¬leaved form 4-5 in. Peduncles foot, stout, arcuate, densely clothed like the stem with short spreading brown hairs ; pedicels cernuous, 1/2 in. ; bracts reflexed, persistent. Calyx 3/4-1 in., inconspicuously downy ; teeth lanceolate, very long. Corolla yellowish, equalling the calyx ; standard nearly 1 in. broad, veined with dark purple. Pod short-stalked, 1.1/4-2 in. long, densely clothed with dark brown silky hairs. (from Flora of India (1882) in IBIS Flora)

Erect tall herbs; stipules linear or subulate. Leaves simple, ovate, 3-5 by 1.5-2.5 cm, base rounded, apex acute, often punctate. Raceme 2-6 flowered, terminal; bracts linear; corolla yellowish, equalling the calyx, standard suborbicular, with purplish veins. Pod elliptic-cylindric with spreading silky hairs. Seeds 10-12.
Flowering and fruiting: September-December
Peninsular India and Sri Lanka

(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi





ANNOV21 Please confirm if Crotalaria walker : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (6)

Nelliyampathy, Kerala
7th November 2014

Found in the grasslands
Inflorescence terminal and not paniculate.

This is Crotalaria multiflora var. multiflora



The Plant List Ver.1.1  ILDIS  India Biodiversity Portal  IBIS Flora  A new Combination in Crotalaria multiflora (Arn.) Benth. (Fabaceae) by MOOTHEDATHU VENUGOPALAN NAIR KRISHNARAJ* & NARAYANAN NAIR MOHANAN- Phytotaxa 44: 58–62 (2012)