Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.) Corner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 19: 239 1962. (Syn: Cudrania cochinchinensis (Lour.) Yakuro Kudo & Masam.; Cudrania cochinchinensis var. gerontogea (Siebold & Zucc.) Kudô & Masam.; Cudrania fruticosa (Roxb.) Wight ex Kurz; Cudrania integra F.T.Wang & Tang; Cudrania javanensis Trécul; Cudrania javanensis var. bancroftii F.M.Bailey; Cudrania obovata Trécul; Cudrania rectispina Hance; Cudrania rumphii Thwaites; Cudrania spinosus Kuntze; Maclura cochinchinensis var. gerontogea (Siebold & Zucc.) H.Ohashi; Maclura gerontogea Siebold & Zucc.; Trophis spinosa Roxb. ex Willd.; Vanieria cochinchinensis Lour.; Vanieria cochinchinensis var. gerontogea (Siebold & Zucc.) Nakai);
Common name: Cockspur Thorn • Nepali: डमरू Damaru; Assamese– Puli-Kaint; Khasi– U-ther-sia-hati, U-sia-kiang; .
Large rambling or subscandent spinous shrub or small tree. Bark smooth, lenticellate, yellowish-brown or cinerous, exfoliating in thin flakes, thorns axillary, straight or somewhat curved, latex profuse, pale yellow. Leaves variable, elliptic-obovate or oblong-elliptic, 2.5-8 x 3-5 cm, mucronate, rounded, base cuneate, margin entire, coriaceous, glabrous, dark-green above, paler beneath, lateral veins 6-12 on either side of the midvein, petiole 0.3-1 cm long, stipules minute. Male inflorescence capitulum, tepals usually 5, obovate, inflexed at the tips, 5-12 mm in diameter, pedunculate, yellowish. Female inflorescence heads 0. 7 cm across, tepals 4, obovate-oblong, thickened and softly tomentose at the tips. Fruit globose, 2.5-3 cm across, velvety and orange when ripe. Flowering/Fruiting: April-August.
Evergreen to deciduous forests.
These trees are monoecious, i.e., male and female flowers occur separately in the same tree. Pollinated by honey bees.
Seeds are passed through the alimentary canals of birds and other animals that feed on the fruits.
Susceptible to insect pests.
Asia: Bhutan, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam; Oceanic Islands: Pacific Islands; Australasia: Australia.
India: Assam, Bihar, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand
(Attributions- Ganeshaiah, K. N., UAS, Bangalore, India. & Kailash, B. R., UAS & ATREE, Bangalore, India
AKNOV10 Maclura cochinchinensis : 4 posts by 3 authors. No images seen now.
Maclura cochinchinensis, a large woody climber with spiny stems and edible fruit from FRI campus, Dehradun. i had heard about this little cousin to the osage orange.. never seen it
thanks for showing it here Maclura cochinchinensis : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)- 1 mb or more. very nice. a relative of osage orange, a source of imp lectins. I would love to know if this is most mature size of this fruit and if so how large and has one with inside ? i.e. cut up open? Thank you ! The fruit is just at the beginning stage and it would grow little larger upto 2-5 cm Dried friut / seed ! Attachments (3)- 400 kb or more. Date: 22 June 2017
Altitude:5000 ft.
Attachments (6)- 500 kb or more.
Please identify this liana -NS 240712: Other than the climbing nature, it somewhat resembles Streblus taxoides of Moraceae. Was this growing in the jungle? It looks rather like Curtain creeper, Vernonia elaeagnifolia. It was reasonably far away from civilization. Had considered Vernonia but it did not seem to make the grade. I think this may be Maclura cochinchinensis (Urticaceae), but need to be checked. Negative. Thanks for a possible lead, but Maclura cochinchinensis has spines which my plant totally lacked.
020718 LNS 1 : 13 posts by 3 authors.
Please help plant attached herewith with following description.
A climber, sometimes shrubby, small amount of milk (sap) was observed.
Recorded at 900 m asl in forest, Near Pokhara, Nepal.
Photo taken: 16/06/2018
To me the description is inadequate. The main feature of the plant in this case are the prominent spines. Thank you for your remarks. Admit that notes are insufficient.
could you please help me understand if Meyna have milky sap? Maclura cochinchinensis ?? Wild guess here: To me looks different from images at Maclura cochinchinensis and Meyna laxiflora
Is there any similarity in the following links ?
Thank you very much for the links. Yes, I checked additional photos. Now I feel there is variation among photos. The specimen could be Maclura as you have suggested.
I have found another photo of same plant in my folder. attached here but photo is not well focussed.
Thank you … for populating it again.
Attachments (1)- 4 MB. If you have time please visit to GBG and ask … to show the plant. It is just behind the toilet area on the left side . One more plant near the end of the park on the left side climb.
You may be able find some fruits also.
Thank you for the info. I will try for that.
Thank you for your cooperation. The species is Maclura as indicated by … IDENTITY: 58 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 3 correct images. Fruiting and spine images belong to Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.) Corner but flower image looks different sp. MACLURA COCHINCHINENSIS: 4 images.
Attaching four images of Maclura cochinchinensis. Identity credit Dr A Lalithamba and Dr Hiranmay Biswas. Yes, it is ! . September 2022
Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.) Corner Yes, appears close as per images at Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.) Corner . References: |