Delhi Trees/ABDEC01 : 3 posts by 3 authors.

On my recent visit to Delhi, I was swept up by my elder brother’s recently found enthusiasm for trees. Armed with the excellent Trees of Delhi by Pradip Krishen, we spent all our available time roaming the nearby public parks (West Delhi) and were well rewarded for the effort. Here is a rough list of trees we ‘discovered’ in his backyard…

  1. Maulsari (Indian Medlar, Chikoo family)–Mimusops elengi
  2. Indian Rubber Tree–Ficus elastica
  3. Goolar (Cluster Fig)–Ficus racemosa
  4. Kanju (Indian Elm, Papdi)–Holoptelea integrifolia
  5. Ber (Indian Jujube)–Ziziphus mauritiania
  6. Harshingar (Night-blooming Jasmine)–Nyctanthes arbor-tristis
  7. Chamrod–Ehretia laevis
  8. Jarul (Pride of India, Queen’s Crape Myrtle)–Lagerstroemia speciosa
  9. Lasora (Clammy Cherry or Indian Cherry)–Cordia dichotoma
  10. Bistendu (Bombay Ebony or Mountain Persimmon)–Diospyros cordifolia
  11. Kadamb–Neolamarckia cadamba or Anthocephalus cadamba
  12. Earpod Wattle–Acacia auriculiformis
  13. Golden Champak–Michelia champaca
  14. Guava–Psidium guajava
  15. Jamun–Syzigium cumini
  16. Anar (Pomegranate)–Punica granatum
  17. Peepal–Ficus religiosa
  18. Weeping Fig–Ficus benjamina
  19. Philkan (Grey/Spotted/White Fig)–Ficus virens
  20. Banyan–Ficus benghalensis
  21. Paper Mulberry–Broussonetia papyrifera
  22. West Indian Elm–Guazuma ulmifolia
  23. Toot (Mulberry)–Morus alba
  24. Putranjiva (Child-life Tree, Wild Olive)–Drypetes roxburghii
  25. Ashok (Indian Fir, Cemetery Tree)–Polyalthia longifola
  26. Mango–Mangifera indica
  27. Indian Tulip Tree–Thespesia populnea
  28. Arjun–Terminalia arjuna
  29. Frangipani–Plumeria rubra and Plumeria obtusa
  30. Mahua (Honey Tree, Chikoo family)–Madhuca longifolia var. latifolia
  31. Saptaparni (Devil’s Tree, Blackboard Tree)–Alstonia scholaris
  32. Kaim–Mitragyna parviflora
  33. Baheda–Terminalia bellirica
  34. Teak–Tectona grandis
  35. Kanak Champa (Dinnerplate Tree)–Pterospermum acerifolium
  36. Whistling Pine–Casuarina equisetifolia
  37. Morpankhi (Cypress family)–Platycladus orientalis
  38. Weeping Bottlebrush–Callistemon viminalis
  39. Yellow Oleander–Thevetia peruviana
  40. Alii Fig–Ficus binnendijkii ‘Alii’
  41. Eucalyptus (Gum)–Eucalyptus tereticornis
  42. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)–Phyllanthus emblica
  43. Kachnar (Buddhist Bauhunia, Mountain Ebony)–Bauhinia variegata
  44. Kaniar (Purple Bauhinia, Butterfly Tree)–Bauhinia purpurea
  45. Bael (Golden Apple, Stone Apple)–Aegle marmelos
  46. Indian Coral Tree–Erythrina variegata
  47. Floss-silk Tree–Ceiba speciosa
  48. Semal (Bombax, Silk Cotton)–Bombax ceiba
  49. Kapok (White Silk Cotton)–Ceiba pentandra
  50. Imli (Tamarind)–Tamarindus indica
  51. Amaltas (Indian Laburnum, Golden Shower)–Cassia fistula
  52. Kassod (Siamese Yellow Cassia)–Senna siamea
  53. Maharukh (Tree of Heaven)–Ailanthus excelsa
  54. Neem (Margosa, Indian Lilac)–Azadirachta indica
  55. Yellow Bells (Yellow Trumpet Bush)–Tecoma stans
  56. Kadi Patta (Curry Leaf)–Bergera koenigii
  57. Silky Oak–Grevillea robusta
  58. Karanj (Indian beech)–Pongamia pinnata
  59. Shisham (Indian Rosewood)–Dalbergia sissoo
  60. Katsagon–Fernandoa adenophyllum
  61. Vilaiti Keekar (Mesquite)–Prosopis juliflora
  62. Jerusalem Thorn–Parkinsonia aculeata
  63. Jungle Jalebi (Madras Thorn, Monkeypod)–Pithecellobium dulce
  64. Siris (Lebbeck, Rattlepod)–Albizia lebbeck
  65. Subabool (Lead Tree, Wild/Horse Tamarind)–Leucaena leucocephala
  66. Babool (Egyptian Mimosa)–Acacia nilotica subsp. indica
  67. Gulmohur (Flame Tree)–Delonix regia
  68. Bakain (Persian Lilac)–Melia azedarach
  69. Jaggery Palm (Toddy Palm)–Caryota urens
  70. Royal Palm–Roystonea regia
  71. Cabbage Palm–Sabal palmetto

Had I not slowed down to photograph numerous birds and butterflies, we would have discovered more during the three days I was there. I look forward to many such explorations in future and will keep you posted.

Nice work! Thanks for sharing.

Well done, … and that book has  made people into modern day explorers of their own cities.. wonderful…
this book is useful in most modern Indian cities as many of the same trees are planted by almost all municipalities..

I find that book very useful for a quick guide..

… did you photograph some of these trees .. they would be a different viewpoint and different season..

and the birds and butterflies … are you going to make a stream at flickr or some such?