Hooghly-skDec03- Please reply/respond : 7 posts by 4 authors.
It is very unpleasant/awkward situation when a member remains silent even after receiving a/any ID suggestion(s). After suggesting an ID one would naturally expect a reply or response within a couple of days from the concerned member, even if the suggested ID is likely to be wrong.
Please do remember, a member spends his/her valuable time + money with a view to helping reach a probable ID. He/she may not be correct. But, naturally he/she would expect a reply mail.
If you do not agree with the suggested ID, simply write “I do not agree…”, or “I think it does not look like….” so and so. Just, please, please do not remain silent. It is simply insulting.
Opposing/disagreeing to an ID is not an insult. But silence is quite annoying. This often leads to unnecessary resurfacing of posts.
So, PLEASE DO REPLY, and while replying “cc” the mail to the person who suggested the relevant ID.
You are perfectly right …
i too back with …
keeping manners is must…giving reply is must
Thank you very much …, perhaps this is the first time I receive your mail.
I agree with you and …
Not only replying a must even if you disagree with opinion
its equally important not to delete a person from reply all button
some people even knowingly delete name from reply all… it just happened to one case in last three days I noticed and noted their name You are doing great service to indiatreepix and this community
please continue
you are teaching us scientific tenaciousness
and love for truth in diagnosis
and dissecting out the finer details….
thus teaching us what to photograph to convey the information in digital format so experts can help the sender.
Yes Didi, we have bigger things to attend. I will try my best for our group as long as I retain my broadband connection. Thank you very much.
I agree with … and all, this is what this group is meant for– to interact… to discuss…. to disseminate the information in most humble manner, and we are quite successful in that.. Keep posting and replying, disagreeing is equally helpful and invited..
Yes Sir, I also think that disagreeing always helps either to reach correct identity or in strengthening the suggested id. |