Pachypodium saundersii N.E.Br., Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1892: 126 1892. (Syn: Pachypodium lealii subsp. saundersii (N.E.Br.) G.D.Rowley); 
S. Trop. & S. Africa (as per WCSP

Images by Aarti S Khale (Id by Kenneth & Dan Rhoads) (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more photos & complete details, click on the links)

Adenia spinosa/Adenium spinosum : BBC Show (Bonsai,Bougainvillea & Cactus Show) at MNP Mumbai : 290413 : AK-4 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (6)

Saw this cultivated, ornamental plant at the BBC Show in MNP,Mumbai on 30/3/13.
Name given was Adenia spinosa.
On searching, it shows plant having different leaves & flowers.
This does look like our Adenium obesum, the Desert Rose but it has spines.
Can’t seem to find any pictures of Adenium spinosum on searching.
Experts kindly help me with the right id.

Could this be a species of Pachypodium. Such spines are seen in this genus . I remember to have seen some species of Pachypodium long back in USA. But I do not have any photographs to authenticate..

Pachypodium lealii?

As in flowersofindia.
Just a guess.

A very old post of mine.
As you had suggested Pachypodium, I tried searching further.
Could this be Pachypodium saundersii?

your guesses could be correct, but you would need the whole plant pictures at the least, because although the flower seems kind – a unique but its the caudiciform base/trunk that will give you the best lead…

until then its a Pachypodium sp, .. to be classified.

Thanks for your feedback.

I was lucky to locate pictures of the whole plant.
Adding them for help in the correct id.
Attachments (2)

this is a pachypodium saundersii X suclentum hybrid

Thanks to you and … for all efforts taken and the id.
The flowers in this link also exactly match the flowers in my picture……

Not Adenia or Adenium …,

This kind of looks like Pachypodium saundersii, but different. I’ve never seen a hybrid like Kenneth states. bit that does sound like what I see.