Eleocharis khandwaensis sp. nov. Shaikh Mujaffar, A. N. Chandore and S. R. Yadav, Nordic Journal of Botany 32: 710–712, 2014. ;  

Fwd: Eleocharis khandwaensis sp. nov. (Cyperaceae) from the Madhya : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (1)- shaikh paper.pdf

Congratulation to all the authors. A nice finding




onlinelibrary wiley (pdf) – A new species, Eleocharis khandwaensis Mujaff ar, Chandore & S. R. Yadav is described from the Bamangaon village of Khandwa district in Madhya Pradesh state, India. This species belongs to Eleocharis subgen. Limnochloa (P. Beauv. ex Lestib.) Torr. and it is similar to E. lankana T. Koyama but diff ers in having stolons, weak bristles spinules of perianth, achenes with annulate apex with a short neck, truncate achene base, dark brown to black coloured achenes and nut surface epidermal cells that are isodiametrically hexagonal to pentagonal. Eleocharis khandwaensis grows in ponds along road sides in the Bamangaon and Tirandaz villages. The genus Eleocharis R. Br. with ca 200 species (Gonzalez-Elizondo and Peterson 1997, Mabberley 2009) is widelydistributed in tropical to temperate regions of both hemispheres and has about 21 species in India (Prasad and Singh 2002). Recently E. wadoodii was newly described from Maharashtra state of India (Yadav et al. 2009). Eleocharis lankana is distributed in India and Sri Lanka. In Sri Lanka it is reported from the Colombo district from a single locality, Yakkala (Koyama 1985). In India it is reported from Alappuzha in Kerala (Nayer et al. 2006) and a new subspecies E. lankana ssp. mohamadii was described from Kagal in Kolhapur district of Maharashtra by Wadood Khan (1998). During field expeditions to Bamangaon village of Khandwa district in Madhya Pradesh we collected some specimens of Eleocharis that were related to E. lankana . Critical observations and analysis on the specimens revealed that they belong to an undescribed species. Hence, it is described and illustrated here as a new species. Eleocharis khandwaensis Mujaffar, Chandore & S. R. Yadav sp. nov. (Fig. 1 – 3)
Type : India, Madhya Pradesh, Khandwa district, Bamangaon village, (21 ° 47.588 ′ N, 76 ° 21.528 ′ E), 318 m a.s.l., 22 Sep 2012,