It has been noticed that some new members do not serialize their posts, which not only makes documentation difficult, but also gives chances of threads mixing up. 
Members are requested to serialize their posts each month as under
Member initials+Month in short+year+your post number that month
If it is my first post this month I will append -GSFEB2016/01 at the end of subject line.

I agree with … completely. Its quite frustrating that  this is often not done despite repeated reminders.

Each society has rules. its our civic duty to follow them. So please do so. Thank you.

Those who are not doing it… please do it and you’ll see the benefits in your own cases and for the good of the group and the site.

Please serialize your uploads for proper tabulation. Append at the end of subject line:
The first number after after your initials and month would indicate number of posts in Family Fortnight or General Category
Second number after slash would indicate your total posts (Family plus general) in that month up to that date.

this instructions are very clear 

Your are requested to serialize your uploads by appending a proper serial number at the end of subject line to keep count of both types of uploads
If my first uploads are of general nature I will serialize them as GSJAN01/01, GSJAN02/02, GSJAN03/03, when I will start Fortnight uploads I will serialize them as GSJAN01/04, GSJAN02/05, etc. if my next upload is general it will be GSJAN04/06. This way we will be able to maintain separate count of both type of uploads as well as total uploads. I hope members will cooperate.