Fwd: [punetreewatch] Indegenous Trees of India :

Important Native Trees of India
Sr. No. Botanical Name Common Name Use
1 Acacia catechu Khair
Used against the throat infections cough, diarrhoea, chronic ulceration, epistaxis and eruptions of the skin, leprosy, leucoderma and wounds. It is also useful in treating anaemia, diabetes, inflammations and intermittent fever.
2 Aegle marmelos Bel
Spiritual and Medicinal, one of the constituents of “Dashmoola”. Roots and bark are used to treat melancholia, intermittent feversand palpitation of the heart. Fruit pulp is nutritious and prevents heat stroke. Leaf juice extract is applied externally in abscess.
3 Alstonia scholaris Saptaparni
Known for fragrance and pollution control. The bark is regarded as a bitter tonic and a mild febrifuge and possesses astrigent, anthelmintic and galactogogue properties. It is reported to be employed inheart diseases,
asthma, chronic diarrhoea, leprosy dyspesia and to stop bleeding of wounds. The bark is applied to treat the ear for deafness.
4. Alangium salvifolium Ankol
Spiritual and Medicinal. Seed oil used fortreatment of other seeds.
5. Aquilaria agallocha Agar
It is useful in halitosis, cardiac debility, skin diseases, leprosy, foul ulcer, hepothalemia, inflammations, rheumatosis, arthirtis, cough, asthma and hiccup. It is the hottest illegal export item from India.
6. Balanties aegyptiaca Hingan, Ingudi
Considered useful in whooping cough, blood eruptions and as a rubifacient in skin diseases. The juice of fresh fruit serves as an efficient shampoo for hair while the oil obtained from kernels is applied to burns and
sores. It is considered useful for hair growth and in diseases of the skin.
7 Betula utilis Bhurja, Bhojpatra
Considered useful in dyspepsia , diarrhoea, epilepsy, haemophilic conditions and diseases of the ear.
8. Bowellia serrata Salai guggul
The gum exudate posesses anti-arthritic activity. Used in the treatment of ulcers, cystic breast, piles, skin diseases convulsions, dysentry, bronchitis, asthma, cough, jaundice, diarrhoea and dysentry.
9 Buchanania cochinchinensis Chironji
Rich source of vitamin E. The roots are acrid, astrigent, cooling, depurative & constipating and used in leprosy, skin diseases and diarrhoea. The leaves are reported to be cooling, digestive, expectorant, purgative, and
aphrodisiac. The fruits are useful in treating leprosy, skin deases, burning sensation, cardiac debility, abdominal disorders, constipation cough, asthma, seminal weakness, fever, emaciation, ulcers, general
debility and as a laxative.
10 Butea monosperma Palash
Spiritual and Medicinal. Seeds and gum are useful in worm infestation and in the treatmentof ringworm, boils and pimples. The bark is used to treat dyspepsia, diarrhoea, dysentry, intestinal worms, bone fractures, rectal
diseases, gonorrhoea, ulcers, tumours and diabetes. The leaves are useful in treating pimples, boils, flatulence, colic, worm infestations and inflammations. Flowers are used to treat leprosy, skin diseases and bone fractures. These are considered very efficacious in birth control. It is an excellent source of lac and natural dye.
11 Canarium stricturn Dhup
Spiritual and Medicinal. Gum is used alon with til (seaamum) oil, in the treatment of rheumatic pains and chronic skin diseases.
12 Cassia fistula Indian Labernum
Ornamental. The dried fruits have a laxative property and is useful in constipation. An extract from the root bark is used in the treatment of black water fever. Flowers are useful in skin diseases, burning sensation, dry
cough and bronchitis.
13 Commiphora wightii Guggul
It is reported to be astringent, antiseptic and aphrodisiac. It is also employed for treatment of snake bite and scorpion sting.
14 Dalbergia Shisham
Excellent timber. It is useful as stimulant and appetiser and also in dyspepsia, diarrhoea, leprosy, obesity and worms.
15 Emblica officinalis Amla
Rich inVit C, antiviral, excellent liver tonic. Fruits are reported to be good for diabetes, cough, asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, collic flatulence, peptic ulcers, skin diseases, leprosy, inflammations, diarrhoea, dysentry, cardiac disorders, intermittent fevers and greyness of hair.
16 Garcinia indica G. gummi gutta Kokam
The juice of the fruit is used as a mordant. Oil from the seed is extensively used for the preparation of ointments, and for other pharmaceutical purposes. It has reportedly been used for local application to ulceration, fissures of lips, hands etc. The young leaves are used as a remedy for dysentry. The ripe
fruits help improve appetite, allay thirst and serve as an anthelmintic, and cardiotonic. It is also reported to be useful in bleeding, dysentry, tumours, pains and heart diseases.
17 Gardenia gummifera / G. resinifera Dikamali
Gum is antispasmodic, anthelmintic and reported useful in cases of splenomegaly, foul ulcers, wounds and obesity. Also used in veterinary medicine to keep off files from sores.
18 Gmelina arborea Gamar, Shivan
Excellent construction timber One of the constituents of Dashmoola. The roots and bark are reportedly useful in treating hallucinations. Fever. Dyspepsia, hyperdipsia. Haemorrhoids, stomachalgia and burning sensation The leaf paste is reported to be effective for treating cephalagia and the leaf juice is a good wash for foul ulcers. The flowers and fruits are reported to be effective in treating leprosy, anaemia, ulcers, constiparation and for promoting the growth of hari.
19 Holarrhena pubescens Kutaja
The bark and seeds are useful in amoebic dysentry, diarrhoea, asthma, hepatopathy, internal haemorrhages, haemorrhoids, rheumatism, malaria, vomiting, uropathy, and skin diseases. Leaves are used in chronic
bronchitis, boils, ulcers and dysentry.
20 Juniperus macropoda Chaulmoogra
The seed oil is reported to be used to treat leprosy and several other skin complants, ophthalmai, diabetes, wounds and ulcers. The seeds are reported to be also used for local application in rheumatism, sprains bruises and infections. Seeds are also used to treat worm infestations.
21 Juniperus macropoda Hapushaa
Employed in drug formations used in urinogenital disorders and cutaneous diseases. Exhausted fruits are used as one of the ingredients of drug formulations used as diuretic. The oil is expectorant and suppurative.