Ficus assamica Miq., London J. Bot. 7: 226 1848. (syn: Ficus heterophylla var. assamica (Miq.) Corner ex Chater; Ficus heterophylla f. var. repens (Roxb. ex Willd.) King; Ficus repens Roxb. ex Sm.) as per Taxonomic notes on the identity and nomenclature of Ficus assamica Miq. (Moraceae) (2012);
India (Assam, Uttar Pradesh, W. Bengal), Bangladesh, Indochina, Nepal, S. China (Chater, 1982), Thailand as per Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India Lal Babu Chaudhary*, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G. V. S. Murthy- Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012;



up-mar-15. Id. : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Scandent shrub seen near the bank of brahmputra in Kaziranga in Feb 15. – id pl.

To me it seems to be Ficus heterophylla.

Yes, it is Ficus. Is it  heterophyalla for sure?

efi page on Ficus heterophylla 

I think this is what old literatures describe as Ficus heterophylla L.f. var. repens (Roxb. ex Willd.) King.

But, there are issues –

First, please check one my earlier thread– which is undoubtedly F. heterophylla, regardless of var.
Second, please check the paper – “Taxonomic notes on the identity and nomenclature of Ficus assamica Miq. (Moraceae)”.
Since figs in the attached pictures have pink ostioler opening it may be the same Ficus repens Roxb. ex Sm., accepted name for F. assamica Miq. Some stat on leaves and figs would have helped further.

The photographs are identified as Ficus assamica Miq. (=F. heterophylla L.f. var. assamica (Miq.) Corner) 

See for more details our article: 
 Anoop Kumar, O. Bajpai, R. Tiwari, R., J.V. Sudhakar & L. B. Chaudhary. 2012. Taxonomic notes on the Identity and Nomenclature of Ficus assamica Miq. (Moraceae). Phytotaxonomy 12: 82 – 88.

on seeing these photographs it looks like ficus assamica which is a herbaceous shrub. after attaining maturity due to its body weight erect plant behaves like creeper.


I am not sure if it is a herb or not. Please note that the last picture (5433.jpg) is of a 2nd plant, found some 200 meters away.

Species : UNKNOWN
H & H : roadside herb (?) or under shrub (?)
Date : 23/10/12, 11.35 a.m.
Place : Hooghly

A couple of days ago received an ID suggestion, Ficus heterophylla, that might fit to this species.

It doesn’t look like a species of Ficus to me.


Recorded more pictures of this plant today. This seems to be something like Ficus plant, and a prostrate under-shrub, sort of roadside weed, with few branches of about 3 to 4 feet long. Attachments (7)

please also see the following reference:
Taiwania, 57(2): 193-216, 2012

Synopsis of the Genus Ficus L. (Moraceae) in India
Lal Babu Chaudhary, Jana Venkata Sudhakar, Anoop Kumar, Omesh Bajpai, Rinkey Tiwari and G.V. S. Murthy
(1) Ficus pumila L., Sp. Pl. 1060. 1753; King, Ann. Roy.
Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 1: 124, t. 158. 1888; Corner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 21: 52. 1965 & in Dass. & Forsb., Rev. Handb. Fl. Ceylon 3: 268. 1981; Berg & Corner in Nooteboom, Fl. Malesiana 17(2): 518. 2005.
F. stipulata Thunb., Dis. Ficus. 8. 1786.
F. scandens Lamk., Encycl. 2: 498. 1788.
F. repens Rottler, Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4: 208. 1803.
(2) Ficus assamica Miq., Hook. London J. Bot. 7: 226. 1848; Kumar et al., American J. Pl. Sci. 2: 80, f. 1. 2011.
F. repens Roxb. ex Willd., Sp. Pl. 4 (2): 1149. 1806 (non Rottl. 1803); Roxb., Fl. Ind. 3: 535. 1832; Wight, Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. 2: t. 636. 1843; Brandis, Fr. Fl. N. W. and C. India 424. 1874.
F. heterophylla L. f. var. repens (Roxb. ex Willd.) King, Ann. Roy. Bot. Gard. (Calcutta) 1: 77. 1888; Brandis, Indian Trees 606. 1906; Haines, Bot. Bihar & Orissa 3: 877. 1922; Kanjilal, For. Fl. Pilibhit, Oudh, Gorakhpur & Bundelkhand 365. 1933; Kanjilal & Kanjilal, Fl. Assam 251. 1940.
F. heterophylla L. f. forma repens (Roxb. ex Willd.) King in Hook. f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 519. 1888.
F. heterophylla L. f. var. assamica (Miq.) Corner, Gard. Bull. Singapore 21: 73. 1965; Chater. in Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nepal, 3: 210. 1982.

Thanks, … What is it finally ?

follow the phytotaxonomy reference.
your photographs in which leaves broadly ovate is ficus assamica

Yes Sir, I have your paper ““Taxonomic notes on the identity and nomenclature of Ficus assamica Miq. (Moraceae)”“. Thank you very much for the correct ID.


Taxonomic notes on the identity and nomenclature of Ficus assamica Miq. (Moraceae) (2012) (Ficus repens Roxb. ex Willd. is reinstated here as a distinct species with correct name F. assamica Miq. The species distinctly differs from its …)