OMJUN01 : 3 posts by 3 authors. 3 images.

ID  confirmation needed??, Coelogyne corymbosa or Coelogyne nitada??

shot at dzongu district sikkim, may 2015.

efi pages on Coelogyne nitida & Coelogyne corymbosa 

Not easy to make out with these pics.

Why not Coelogyne punctulata?
Please share more pics of whole plant and how many flowers are present on one stalk, pics of bulb and leaves.
In China corymbosa flowers during May-July; nitida flowers during March.

Corymbosa has longer and narrower front lobe of the labellum, so this can’t be corymbosa.

Tough! But between Nitida and Cormbosa according to the phenology !