Davallodes pulchra

Davallodes pulchra (D.Don) M.Kato & Tsutsumi, Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 59: 13 (2008). (syn: Acrophorus pulcher (D.Don) T.MooreAraiostegia pulchra (D.Don) Copel.Davallia pulchra D.DonHumata pulchra (D.Don) DielsKatoella pulchra (D.Don) Fraser-Jenk., Kandel & PariyarLeucostegia pulchra (D.Don) J.Sm. ; Microlepia chaerophylla (Wall. ex Hook.) Ettingsh.Acrophorus chaerophyllus (Wall. ex Hook.) T.MooreAcrophorus pseudocystopteris (Kunze) T.MooreAraiostegia athamantica Copel.Araiostegia pseudocystopteris (Kunze) Copel.Davallia athamantica ChristDavallia chaerophylla Wall. ex Hook.Davallia pseudocystopteris KunzeDavallia pulchra var. pseudocystopteris (Kunze) C.B.ClarkeDavallia rigidula BakerDavallodes pseudocystopteris (Kunze) M.Kato & TsutsumiHumata chaerophylla (Wall. ex Hook.) Mett.Leucostegia pseudocystopteris (Kunze) Bedd.);
Indian Subcontinent to S. China and Indo-China: Assam, China South-Central, China Southeast, East Himalaya, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tibet, Vietnam, West Himalaya as per POWO;

Katoella pulchra ABJUL01/05 : 2 posts by 2 authors. 4 images.

We have started receiving our monsoon rains so please expect a lot more ferns. I had earlier confused this one with Athyrium and was corrected by Dr Fraser-Jenkins. Since then I have had a closer look and here are the results. Almost all these were taken on my phone.
The rhizome is thin and wobbly. Stipe is light green with brown scales sparsely covering it. Pinnae are distant all aligned in the same direction.
It is an epiphyte and I have seen it on cedars, oaks and rhododendrons all of which are common here.
Katoella (Araiostegia) pulchra
Above Mcleodganj, Dharamshala, HP
5 July 2015

very nice


SK 3863 September 2023 – Fern: 4 high res. images.
Location: Surya Binayak, Bhaktapur, Nepal
Altitude: 1500m.
Date: 28 August 2023
Habit : Wild

A guess: Dryopteris species ?????

Davallodes pulchra (D.Don) M.Kato & Tsutsumi. Syn : Katoella pulchra (D.Don) Fraser-Jenk., Kandel & Pariyar
ID by Mr. Dhan Raj Kandel from National Herbarium, Nepal 

Katoella but difficult to say about species without seeing the character. Further may be pulchra but still not sure

Identified as Davallodes pulchra (D.Don) M.Kato & Tsutsumi. Syn : Katoella pulchra (D.Don) Fraser-Jenk., Kandel & Pariyar
by Mr. Dhan Raj Kandel from National Herbarium, Nepal


Updated on December 24, 2024