Jasminum_Nashik_uncommman groth_AJK160715 : 7 posts by 3 authors. 2 images.

This jasmine vine (local name Kunda) is growing in a private garden in Nashik. 
What can be the reason behind the uncommon growth of its stem?

may be insects?


what about the original stem? did you take pictures of it?

This condition in Jasminum is called as Fasciation” caused due to random genetic mutation (hormonal imbalance) or growth abnormalities due to application of herbicides or other chemicals.

I have seen Fasciation in flowers and sometimes in some cacti and succulents, but never in jasmine stem or branch.
I have also seen weird growths coming thru the center of the flower in my own plants of Euphorbia milli  and some anatomical anmalies in flowers of Hibiscus, of course these plants did not survive for more than a few months after the anatomically visible problems.

Please thank … for this

It would be interesting to keep my eyes open for this in Jasmines from now

Thanks a lot … for forwarding the post and thanks