Stellaria patens D. Don, Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 215 1825. (syn: Stellaria fenzliana Klotzsch; Stellaria longissima Wall.; Stellaria mollis Klotzsch);

SK1341 01 AUG 2018 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (8)
Location: Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 11 June 2018
Altitude: 6800 ft.
Habit : Wild 
Which Stellaria …??

Thanks, … Comparative images available at

Could not find a match with comparative images in efi site.
Try keys in BSI Flora of India

It is the same species as in another thread: SK1324 27 JUL 2018


SK1324 27 JUL 2018 : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (7)- around 600 kb each.
Location: Jitpur Phedi, n Nepal
Altitude : 5000 ft.
Date: 19 June 2018
Habit : Wild 
Thank you.
Which Stelleria ?

Comparative images available at /species/a—l/c/caryophyllaceae/stellaria

Could not find a match among species at efi site at Stellaria

i am happy to see a ruler in the photograph

Could not find a match with comparative images in efi site.
It is the same species as in another thread: SK1341 01 AUG 2018

I think this is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.



SK1937 22 May 2019 : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (7)
Location: Nagarkot, Bhaktapur
Date: 16  May 2019
Elevation: 1892 m.
Habit : Wild 
Which Stellaria ?

I think same unidentified species as at Stellaria species- Jitpur Phedi & Nagarkot, Nepal

Looks close but no ID !

I think this is Stellaria patens D. Don as per GBIF- specimens from Nepal– onetwothreefour.


Stellaria alsine Grimm: 11 very high res. images.

Location: Nagarkot, Nepal  
Date: 24 June 2021
Altitude: 2100m.
Habit : Wild

I think more closer to images at Stellaria patens D. Don rather than those at Stellaria alsine Grimm

Yes …



SK1825 02 April 2019 : 10 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6) – around 800 kb each.

Location: Ghandruki, Kaski Dt.
Date: 23 March 2019
Elevation: 2053 m.
Habit : Wild 

Stellaria uliginosa Murray. ??
Syn : Stellaria alsine Grimm

Looks different from images at Stellaria alsine Grimm
Also could not find a match as per comparative images at Stellaria

try Stellaria media

Tried earlier but could not conclude due to the difference of 3 months in flowering season.

you still don’t get it. global warming and environmental upheaval around the world negates seasons as written down in older floras, books etc. if anatomy matches prescribed features, that’s what we go with to check with older seasonal calendar

Cerastium cerastioides

I am afraid Cerastium cerastoides is not the correct ID.

It appears apparently similar to Stellaria vestita Kurz, but is different from it.

Stellaria patens var. ovatifolia H.Hara !
Endemic to Nepal!

ID credit Ms. Rashika Kafle !

After seeing the images of Stellaria patens var. ovatifolia H.Hara as confirmed by Ms. Rashika Kafle at SK 3810 21 July 2023, I feel it may be only.

Yes, … This has also been validated accordingly by Ms. Kafle as you have suggested !


SK 3794 1 3 July 2023: 6 very high res. images.

Location: Dhorpatan, Baglung, Nepal 
Date: 31May 2023
Elevation: 2900 m.
Habit : Wild
Stellaria alsine Grimm ??

I think close to images at

once check with Cerastium fontanum….

I think it does not match with Cerastium fontanum !

After seeing the images of Stellaria patens var. ovatifolia H.Hara as confirmed by Ms. Rashika Kafle at SK 3810 21 July 2023, I feel it may be only.

Ms. Kafle has ID this as Stellaria patens var. patens !



Id for Darjeeling Caryophyllaceae: 1 high res. image.
Locality: Darjeeling Lloyd Botanical Garden
Date: 12/08/2012

Stellaria decumbens Edgew. ?

I think it is close to images at

It is matching maximum





The Plant List Ver.1.1 Tropicos  IPNI  BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  FOC illustration  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  ICIMOD  JSTOR (Specimen) Plant illustrations  Forest Plants of Eastern India By Amal Bhusan Chaudhuri (1993)