Crotalaria ramosissima Roxb. (syn: Crotalaria tomentosa Rottler);

Submission of Crotalaria ramosissima : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)

I had observed the Crotalaria page, Crotalaria ramosissima is incorrectly identified, hence I am submitting the correct  images of species.
Crotalaria ramosissima Roxb., Flora Indica (Carey) 3. 1832.
Family: Fabaceae
Description: Herbs, annual, much branched, densely viscid, hispid; 30-50 cm tall; appears greyish in color with blackish-purple flowers. Leaves sub-opposite; sub-sessile; simple, lamina linear-oblong, 2-4 × 0.5cm, entire, apex obtuse, densely tomentose. Flowers 7-8 mm long, yellow with purple tinge, in 5-8cm long, terminal racemes or panicles. Bracts 2, bracteoles 2. Calyx 5 partite, unequal, hispid, blackish-purple with recurved margins. Corolla papillionoid; standard yellow, 4-5mm, obovate, with purple streaks, obovate, pubescent outside. Stamens 10, monadelphous. Ovary stipate, hirsute; style geniculate, stigma minute. Pod 0.8mm, oblong, densely silky; 1-seeded; fruiting calyx accrescent.          
Habitat & location: Common in dry areas. 

A new variety of Crotalaria ramosissima (Fabaceae) from Tamil Nadu, India (Binu Thomas, Konickal Mambetta Prabhu Kumar, Satheesh George, Arumugam Rajendran, Indira Balachandran- Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)- Crotalaria ramosissima Roxb. var. kanuvayensis Binu T., K. M. Prabhu et A. Rajendran from Kanuvai hills, Coimbatore district of Tamil Nadu) 
Embryology and Apomixis in Grasses By T. Pullaiah, G. N. V. Febulaus (2000- Details)