Ruellia pseudopatula Ensermu, Kew Bull. 57: 747 2002. ; . Ethiopia, Djibouti, Saudi Arabia, S-Yemen, India (NW-India (Haryana, Punjab)) as per Catalogue of Life; . I need id assistance of following images belonging to Ruellia sp? (Acanthaceae) Dipterocanthus sp. Ruellia species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net) Now all Indian Dipteracanthus fall under Ruellia only. My guess is Ruellia suffruticosa Roxb., but I am not confident, for one more species, R. patula Jacq. needs to be considered. Attached here record by Haines. R. patula unlikely to be found in the region as per FBI and also that FBI thinks R. patula is similar to R. prostrata. Well, something more….. I missed the BSI checklist R. patula, I think, can be skipped –Plant illustrations Instead, there is one R. pseudopatula in BSI – Please check probability – I w’d like to see better illuminated photos photos of habit and leaves, and comment regarding hairs. As for the color, pure white flowers I have recorded in R. prostrata, but here leaves in the specimen seem different ! Looks like Ruellia sps only. Could be R.patula. But not able to check all the characteristics from the photographs. Attached here what had been identified, in this group, as Ruellia prostrata Poir. Flower colour usually not white, may turn whitish sometimes. In the 4th pic you see flower and foliaceous bract sizes.
This species in this thread is Ruellia pseudopatula Ensermu I am expecting some response from … … many many thanks for your id assistance along with detailed key. Thank you very much Sir for your kind response. But I expected you or other member(s) would ask/query why your specimen can not be R. suffruticosa Roxb.! More so because petals and sepals are more or less of equal length in both the spp., (R. suffruticosa Roxb. and R. pseudopatula Ensermu); including narrower to inflated part of corolla tube! Ruellia patula for validation :: JJ – Rao Jodha Desert Rock Park, March 2018 :: ARKAPR-07 : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2) To me looks more close to images at Rather than those at Thank you … for your feedback. Images at plant guide link provided by you are not diagnostic as it does not show the side view of the flower tube. Plant from Sariska – NSD 35 : 7 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1) This herb is from Sariska Tiger Reserve Photo taken on 26-7-09 I think this is from convolvulaceae family Please id this plant … the flower texture (vague reasoning) reminds me of Ruellia related species. Thanks … for taking lead, can it be Ruellia humilis Nutt.? This is a Acanthaceae member…Please see in Dipteracanthus Genus…. also check Dipteracanthus suffruticosus if it matches. Pl. also check images at Ruellia patula Jacq. Ruellia patula Ruellia pseudopatula: 17 images. Long tube Very short calyx Leaf about 3 x 2 cm , rough like sandpaper Savar kundla , Gujarat , July 21 Great upload! Superb presentation with innumerable photos! Ruellia ? SN 31519 : 9 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (2) Ruellia patula ?? I am doubtful with images at Ruellia patula It also seems somewhat similar to Ruellia pseudopatula, but does not seem to have distribution in the area. Any other close species ? Noted. You are right As per Flora of Rajasthan it Is Ruellia patula var. alba (Saxton) Bhandari, Flowers closed in sunlight. Almost close. Yes, may be Ruellia patula only as per details and references herein. Taking it as Ruellia pseudopatula, as per images and details herein. MAKADMARI IN GUJARATI Ruellia sp for id : 12 posts by 7 authors. Attachments (5) pls help in identification. Small herb Clicked on kondapalli fort, Andhra Pradesh 2015 May Check Dipteracanthus species Dipteracanthus patulus Dipteracanthus prostratus (Poir.) Nees ?? I agree with … for Ruellia patula Jacq. rather than Ruellia prostrata Poir. as per images and details herein. Yes it’s Ruellia patula, I too agree with you, … R. patula or R. pseudopatula ? TO me its a toss up between R. patula and R. psuedopatula since as a scientists we should need a more precise way of measuring and judging the length of the tubes and since the maker of the pic has torn it from the plant anyway, it should be stripped of the leaves and sepals and put alongside a ruler in the photo. Please look at … submissions. we need to emulate his photo techniques for details I will go with Ruellia patula rather than Ruellia pseudopatula as per keys and details herein. Taking it as Ruellia pseudopatula, as per images and details herein. I am not sure yet sir will check into this again and will email on this thread Image 4 better depicts the corolla tube, for this purpose. Ruellia patula, Pl. see this attached image from the set. Ruellia pseudopatula. No doubt about it. Abundant in SavarKundla (GJ), I’m very familiar with it .
Ruellia ?? Ruellia patula Ruellia pseudopatula, as per images and details herein.
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Ruellia pseudopatula
Updated on December 23, 2024