Eriocaulon biappendiculatum K . M. MANUDEV , A . J . ROBI & S . NAMPY EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF BOTANY 72 (2): 219 – 223 (2015);
Erioculon biappendiculatum-another new species from Western ghats : 5 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)- Eriocaulon biappendiculatum.pdf
Please find attached here with our new paper entitled “Eriocaulon biappendiculatum, a new species of Eriocaulaceae from southern Western Ghats, India” published in the latest issue of Edinburgh Journal of Botany for your perusal.
Congrats, … New Eriocaulon species are raining
Great finding, congrats … and team..!!
ERIOCAULON BIAPPENDICULATUM, A NEW SPECIES OF ERIOCAULACEAE FROM THE SOUTHERN WESTERN GHATS, INDIA– K . M. MANUDEV , A . J . ROBI & S . NAMPY *- EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF BOTANY 72 (2): 219 – 223 (2015)- Eriocaulon biappendiculatum, a new species of Eriocaulaceae from the southern Western Ghats, India, is described and illustrated. The new species is close to Eriocaulon nairii but differs in having 5–17 peduncles, free male sepals, and both continuous ribbon-like and setiform appendages on the seeds.