SK 2175 13 September 2019 : 6 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (3)- 2 mb each.
Location: Godawari, Lalitpur,, Nepal
Altitude: 1841 m.
Date: 08 August 2019
Habit : Wild
Does not look like matching with my earlier posts  and elevation :
Zingiber chrysanthum Roscoe, Monandr. Pl.: 1. 86 (1824). Hara et al., Enum. Fl. Pl. Nep. 1: 61 (1978). Rajbhandari & Basnet in Rajbhandari & Baral, Cat. Nep. Fl. Pl. 1: 16 (2010).
Rocky place in grassland; 1400 m.
Distribution: India, Nepal.
Places of collection:
Central Nepal: Nepalia, 1821, N. Wallich 6566B (LIV, K-W, syntypes).
East Nepal: Sankhuwasabha district, Pawa Khola valley, 1400 m, 1991.10.16, D. G. Long, R. J. D. McBeath, D. R. McKean, D. A. H. Rae & N. K. Bhattarai 842 (KATH).

Again we need help from …

Any closeness to Zingiber smilesianum Craib ???

Photo not clear.