Etlingera fenzlii (Kurz) Škorničk. & M.Sabu, Gard. Bull. Singapore 60: 382 2009. (syn: Amomum fenzlii Kurz; Cardamomum fenzlii (Kurz) Kuntze; Hornstedtia fenzlii (Kurz) K.Schum.);
Andaman and Nicobar Islands as per POWO;


Basionym: Amomum fenzlii Kurz.
Common shrubs in open sunny places of inland forests on clayey loam.
This is recorded to be the bee repellent plant of the Shompen tribe.  We could not see the procedure of gathering honey but got the information from the Interpreter. The attached photograph shows a Shompen man on way to food gathering and hunting.  Flowers of this plant can be seen here along with leaves of Macaranga nicobarica used for wrapping and as a plate.


Amomum‎‎ page with comparative images: 2 images.
Etlingera fenzlii – previously Amomum fenzlii.