Dendrobium nodosum Dalzell, Hooker’s J. Bot. Kew Gard. Misc. 4: 292 1852. (syn: Desmotrichum nodosum (Dalzell) Tang & F.T.Wang; Flickingeria nodosa (Dalzell) Seidenf.);
S. India (as per WCSP)

Tufted epiphytes with creeping root stock and sympodially branched stems, 20-30 cm long, each branch ends in a fusiform pseudobulb. Leaves one per pseudobulb, 7-10 x 2 cm, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse. Flowers white, 1-3 from the tip of a pseudobulb; bracts 1.8 x 2.5 mm, ovate, acuminate, 3-veined; dorsal sepal 10.5 x 3.5 mm, oblong-lanceolate, acute, 5-veined; lateral sepals 10 x 4.5 mm, obliquely oblong-lanceolate, acute, 7-veined; petals 9.5 x 2.5 mm, lanceolate, acute, 3-veined; lip 12 x 6 mm, 3-lobed; lateral lobes oblong, obtuse; midlobe sub quadrate, recurved, crenulate.

Flowering and fruiting: March-April
Semi-evergreen and moist deciduous forests
Southern Western Ghats (endemic)

(Attributions- Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi from India Biodiversity Portal )

I was after this orchid Flickingeria nodosa for last four years
i have visited plant so many times but could not find even buds for last four years
but this year on one fine day i could see buds,i was determined this year i will not miss to see flowers so i use to travel 60kms from home every day for 8 days waiting to buds to bloom
& finally buds opened, flowers smiled at me
i was on the top of the earth, danced with joy
i have taken so many pictures
love love love to see orchids

I hope you will also love my orchid

Great … Splendid sighting and hats off to your patience and perseverance…! You could even observe grass growing under your feet….!!

Nice capture … I can imagine you still dancing with joy.

Superb, I salute your patience and determination.. Nice capture …

Oh! such a marvellous long wait.

Who will wait for so long except for true Orchid lovers like you ?

Superb pic, … Worth the long wait and the great joy !!

someone said Serendipity helps those that are prepared. you were not only prepared but persevered and trekked long and hard. congratulations and thanks. thanks to you that i got to see the flower

Only a true orchid lover like you can travel around 500 km to see a single flower blossom!!
A strong determination and real patience is required for that..
I hope you will continue touring to get many more lovely orchids. Thanks … for sharing your hard earned pics…..

Very nice pictures, …!
I am amazed by your great love and passion towards orchids! Please keep it up!

I have gone through world plant checklist and found that
above orchid Flickingeria nodosa is now Dendrobium nodosum
I have validated it with or orchid expert …, he said all flickingerias are now Dendrobiums
So i stand corrected 

Images by tspkumar 



Presenting few images of Dendrobium nodosum (Orchidaceae)

A few days ago I had erroneously uploaded as Dendrobium macraei  



Habit: Herb. 

Habitat: Wild, epiphytic, semi-evergreen forest fringe. 

Sighting: Near Sakaleshpur, Karnataka, about 1000 msl. 

Date: 24-06-2016 and 25-06-2016

Ok, yes this is the same. Thanks for sharing.

For Flickingerias please spread the labellum and take one pic if possible and also a good shot of the bulb.

TSP-JUL2016-08-408: Images of Ephemerantha macraei (Orchidaceae) : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (6)

Kindly resolve the nomenclature of this orchid.

1.The Digital Flora of Karnataka lists this as Ephemerantha macraei and also gives an alternate name Flickingeria fimbriata quoting the Plant List.


2. The Plant List says that Flickingeria fimbriata is a synonym of Dendrobium plicatile


3. The Plant List  again says that Ephemerantha macraei is a synonym of Dendrobium macraei

Habit: Herb

Habitat: Wild, epiphytic, Semi-evergreen forest fringe, occuring on trees by the road.

Sighting: Hassan, Karnataka, about 1100 msl

Date: 24-06-2016 and 25-06-2016

I think both (Ephemerantha macraei and Flickingeria fimbriata) are different as per WCSP (underlying records):

Ephemerantha macraei is now Dendrobium macraei Lindl…………….
Flickingeria fimbriata is a different species and it is now Dendrobium plicatile Lindl.

Thanks … for the clarification.

In that case the identity of the specimen uploaded should be Dendrobium macraei…!

I think I have erred here. The images that I have uploaded are that of Dendrobium nodosum. I shall upload the images separately for validation.

Obviously there are mistakes on Digital flora of Karnataka. Its strange that they put an image of macraei which has green bulbs, I have never seen such dark green bulbs so far.

1. Dendrobium macraei (= Flickingeria macraei; Ephemerantha macraei)
2. Dendrobium plicatile (= Flickingeria fimbriata)
The flower in this thread looks like a bit different to me, and frankly I thought this could be Dendrobium nodosum (= Flickingeria nodosa) which is surely found in Karnataka.
I cant see properly but I see two lamellae on the lip raised up right in front then gowing down towards back. In macraei the callus rises gentily and reaches peak somewhere int he middle, then goes down.

Thanks a lot for sharing.


509-TSP-12APR2021-1-Dendrobium nodosum @ Hethoor:
Presenting a few images of  Dendrobium nodosum, Orchidaceae
Habit: Herb
Habitat:Wild,epiphytic,semi-evergreen forest fringe
Sighting:Hethoor near Sakaleshpur,Karnataka about 1000 msl