Trop. America (as per WCSP);
Argentina Northeast; Argentina Northwest; Bolivia; Brazil North; Brazil
Northeast; Brazil South; Brazil Southeast; Brazil West-Central; Colombia;
Ecuador; Fiji; Florida; Guatemala; Guyana; Netherlands Antilles; New Caledonia;
New Zealand North; Norfolk Is.; Panam; Paraguay; Puerto Rico; Queensland;
Society Is.; Suriname; Texas; Trinidad-Tobago; Venezuela; Victoria
as per Catalogue of Life;

Hydrocleys nymphoides, the waterpoppy[2] or water-poppy,[3] is an aquatic plant species in the Alismataceae. It is widespread across South America, Central America, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and the Netherlands Antilles. It is cultivated in many places for used in decorative ponds and artificial aquatic habitats, and naturalized in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Fiji, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Florida, Louisiana and Texas.[1][4][5][6]

(from Wikipedia on 29.2.16)

Images by Anil Kumar Thakur (Inserted by J.M.Garg) (For more images & complete details, click on the links) 


Hydrocleys nymphoides ATFEB2016/04 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (1)
Hydrocleys nymphoides (Syn. Sagittaria ranunculoides)
Common name: Water-poppy
Chandigarh June, 2015

Single photograph on Hydrocleys nymphoides page is not looking good. So, attaching two more photographs. Attachments (2)



Hydrocleys nymphoides (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) Buchenau : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)- around 500 kb each. 
Location: Hong Kong Park  
Date: 13 August 2018
Elevation: 200 ft.
Habit : Cultivated