Maesa manipurensis

Maesa manipurensis Mez, Pflanzenr. 236(Heft 9): 30 1902.;
Assam to China (W. Yunnan): Assam, China South-Central as per POWO;

Shrub from Manipur: TQ-Manipur-10: 13 images.
Attached are some images of a shrub from Manipur, about 5 feet tall, with tiny white flowers. It looks wild, but could as well be cultivated. Found flowering in February. Any clues to its identity are welcome.

I think it should be Maesa indica..

I think you are right!

Agree with

Just noticed that there is a species Maesa manipurensis Mez – guess we should compare with that too, as it appears to be native to Manipur.
Here are the keys from Flora of China. Pl. check:

26 (24)Calyx lobe and bracteoles obtuse to rounded apically; inflorescence rachis and pedicels densely and minutely glandular granulose26 Maesa indica
+Calyx lobe and bracteoles acute apically; inflorescence rachis and pedicels glabrous.(27)
27 (26)Leaf blade membranous, elliptic to ovate, margin serrate, teeth not callose; inflorescences 7-10 cm, racemose27 Maesa tenera
+Leaf blade papery, oblong to oblanceolate, margin serrate-dentate, teeth callose; inflorescences 1.5-4 cm, paniculate.(28)
28 (27)Branchlets with hollow pith; leaf base subrounded or obtuse; bracteole and calyx lobe margins glandular ciliate; fruit ovoid28 Maesa manipurensis

I am attaching some diagnostic pics. Looking at them, I think they agree with the following characteristics of Maesa manipurensis:
 1. Inflorescences axillary and terminal, paniculate (not racemose), 2-4 cm, glabrous
 2. base subrounded or obtuse, margin coarsely serrate or serrate-denticulate with punctate and callose teeth
 3. Branchlets… pith hollow.
   I would be happy to have people’s opinion on it.
4 images

Further detailed description of both species may be gone through.

Yes, I agree with you.
Calyx lobe and bracteoles are also acute apically.


ID please- Shillong- BR5 090416 : 5 posts by 2 authors. No image visible now.
I am sending herewith the pictures of some plants, collected from Shillong, Meghalaya. It will greatful if these specimens get identified.

More. Clear/resolved photo is required

I think this is a Maesa sps. (Myrsinaceae). Please check with M. indica and allied species.

Thanks, …, I think it may be Maesa manipurensis Mez in Engler as per
It is not matching with images of Maesa indica

Sir, It is Measa indica (Myrsinaceae)

Thanks, …, But images at Maesa indica look different, particularly the leaves.


Updated on December 24, 2024

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