Begonia coccinea Hook., Bot. Mag. 69: t. 3990 1843. (syn: Pritzelia coccinea (Hook.) Klotzsch);
Common name: Angel Wing Begonia, Scarlet begonia
Brazil (as per WCSP);


It is my pleasure to share few images of Begonia coccinea  (Begoniaceae

Ref: http://www.flowersofindia.Angel%20Wing%20Begonia.html


Habit: Herb 

Habitat: Cultivated, Ornamental 

Sighting: Chikmagalur, Karnataka, about 1200 msl 

Date: 14-05-2014

SK 2217 11 October 2019 : 12 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (5)- around 1 mb or more.

Location: Ranibari, Kathmandu
Date: 10 September  2019
Elevation: 1370 m.

Habitat : Cultivated ??

Attachments (2)- 6 & 1 mb.

Attachments (2)- 2 & 1 mb.

Attachments (1)- 6 mb.

Begonia sp, Begoniaceae,
I think it’s a wild plant,

Cultivated, South America species

Begonia coccinea Hook.

Is ID correct ?

I do not know.

Requesting Id of a Begonia : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)- 2 mb each.
Requesting id of a Begonia from Mahe. Photographed in September 2019.

This too looks like B. coccinea. Full plant image ??

Thank you … I am not having the complete plant image as of now. Will post it as soon as I locate the same.

Mahe Begonia 13 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 3 mb.
Request for identification of cultivated Begonia from Mahe. Photographed in October 2019.

Begonia coccinea ??

Thanks, … Yes, appears close to images at Begonia coccinea

Mahe Begonia 16 : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1) – 4 mb.
Request for id of cultivated Begonia from Mahe. Photographed in October 2019.

Begonia coccinea Hook. ?? 

Thanks, … Yes, appears close to images at Begonia coccinea


Begonia coccinea Hook.: 7 very high res. images.

Location: Gyaneswor, Kathmandu
Date: 21 March 2023
Elevation: 1400 m.
Habit : Cultivated

Yes, appears close to images at