
Fwd: Doubt in the proper identification. : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)
This plant is reported from Mandi. Himachal Pradesh. It seems like Cirsium sp. but I am not that sure. You are requested to provide assistance.

This should be Serratula pallida in my opinion….!!

… I think leaves are different


This is my herbarium specimen, of Serratula pallida,  leaves same as yours. Attachments (1)

The specimen by … to me looks like Tricholepis, most probably T. elongata.

…, even your plant may not be Serratula, it could also be some species of Tricholepis
Serratula does not have spiny involucre, there is a good image in Flora Simlensis.

Thanks a lot Sir for valuable inputs..

I will take care to record detailed pics in next encounter, but for sure my plant as well as this posted plant has spiny involucre, thus I need to reconsider the id…!!