Family:                Malvaceae
Subfamily:                      Bombacoideae
Genus                                     Pachira
Species                                        Pachira aquatica
The label in first picture says it all ….  pics are from a botanical garden started by a physician in his home garden in southern California…

But I have found this in some nurseries being sold as three stems braided together as a novelty plant… some gimmicky folks say its a quick bonsai… found same kinda things in Bankgok hotel lobby.. and nearby
street vendors …. if you do google iamage for this plant you can see these weird things…

I spotted the flowers in Dec last year with … with me to guide in Kolkata Bot garden. The tree was almost leafless then. Most probably the flowering season should start in Nov. Dec. I suppose. I was in Kolkata last
Dec to attend one Medical conference. Skipping from there I spent one full day in the Bot garden. Sunady morning I was lucky to have … with me along with his friend. We could spot many interesting things including the Amazon Lily of course. I shared most of my collection later.




Malvaceae Week: Pachira aquatica from California: Pachira aquatica Aubl., Hist. pl. Guiane 726, t. 291-292. 1775  

Common names: Guiana-chestnut, Malabar-chestnut, provision-tree, sabanut, water-chestnut, wild cocoa, money tree
This interesting plant I had photographed from a store in California in Christmas days and forgotten about it till … uploaded photographs from a full grown tree. Native of America, Brazil and Mexica, I wonder the source for name Malabar-chestnut

It appears close to the images of Pachira glabra as per the following:
Common names: Guiana-chestnut, Malabar-chestnut, provision-tree, sabanut, water-chestnut, wild cocoa, money tree
This interesting plant I had photographed from a store in California in Christmas days and forgotten about it till … uploaded photographs from a full grown tree. Native of America, Brazil and Mexica,
I wonder the source for name Malabar-chestnut.