
PLANT FOR ID 169 SMP NOV 2009 : 10 posts by 5 authors. Attachments (1)

Again from Mahabaleshwar Nov 09………… Appears to be commonly observed but often neglected from ID point of view.

A guess, Sonchus arvensis

Earlier guessed by me to be Sonchus arvensis, but leaves have a different texture.

I think this belongs to genus Gynura….

This looks like Gynura sp. (Asteraceae Family).

Yes … Try to fit in G. angulosa now correctly known as G. cusimbua

Or can it be Gynura amplexicaulis, a new record for India (recently published) ?

Do anyone know the difference between Gynura amplexicaulis & Gynura cusimbua ?

I guess Gynura amplexicaulis Oliv. & Hiern is the correct ID.

What is the difference between Gynura amplexicaulis & Gynura cusimbua ?



Asteraceae Week Part I-Radiate heads:: Gynura bicolor Mahabaleshwar and Purandar SMP -26 : 4 images. Gynura bicolor

Pl. validate.

It appears to be Gynura bicolor.

Kindly see the link below

I think it matches with Gynura cusimbua (D. Don) S. Moore (syn. Gynura angulosa Candolle) as per http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=121445&flora_id=2

Or can it be Gynura amplexicaulis, a new record for India (recently published) ?

Do anyone know the difference between Gynura amplexicaulis & Gynura cusimbua ?

Gynura amplexicaulis Oliv. & Hiern ??


Kusumbi (Gynura bicolor) : 9 posts by 6 authors. Attachments (3)Place: Kass Plateau, Approx. 25 kms north of Satara, Maharashtra.

Location of this (image) flower / plant: on roadside slope amongst stones …..found only at one spot in 4 visits in Aug-Sep on the plateau.
Date: 5th Oct, 2008
Equipment: Canon 40 D Camera + Tamron 90 mm macro lens
Family: Asteraceae
Species: Gynura bicolor ….. =G.angulosa
Local name (Marathi) : Kusumbi
Notes: Stout succulent herb, 1-2 cm high. Stem 1 cm thick, angular, branched at top.Leaves alternate, 10-20 cm. Flowers 2 cm, deep orange.
(Source: Flowers of Sahyadri by Shrikant Ingalhalikar : Page 155 )

I think it matches with Gynura cusimbua (D. Don) S. Moore (syn. Gynura angulosa Candolle) http://www.efloras.org/object_page.aspx?object_id=121445&flora_id=2

Or can it be Gynura amplexicaulis, a new record for India (recently published) ?
Do anyone know the difference between Gynura amplexicaulis & Gynura cusimbua ?