We got whiff of  something extra ordinary happening in Heritage Garden at Powai in Hiranadani Gardens……..and rushed to discover,…… the flushing of young leaves on all the trees, ready to greet rains..….scent of flowers of Palm trees carried all around by the gentle breeze…… profusely flowering of Champagne Palm (Hyophorbe lagenicaulis), the unique American Oil Palm (Attalea cohune), Thatch Palm (Thrinax parviflora) and the ever beautiful flowers of Rudraksha  (Elaeocarpus sphaericus) and above all, the fruits of Badhal (Artocarpus lacoocha) adding to the aroma……companionship and harmony among all gently growing things, native and non – native reminded me a verse by Rumi

There are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the earth”

We invite you all to whirl around them with us offering our gratitude to trees & the earth on world Environment Day,  5th June at 7.30 am. 

The 73rd walk is on Sunday 5th June,2016                  

Venue:  Heritage Garden in Hiranandani Gardens, Powai

Time:  7.30 am

Duration of walk:  2 hours

Driving direction to the garden:

There are 3 municipal gardens in Hiranandani Powai, we are going to take walk in Heritage Garden, unfortunately this name is not mentioned anywhere on the gate of  the garden. It is on Cliff Avenue between Heritage Towers & Verona buildings and opposite Glen Towers. All the three building are quite famous in that area.

From IIT main gate or Andheri (E) stn or Ghatkopar (W) stn Bus 392 i.e. 392 between Andheri (E) stn and Ghatkopar (W) goes via Hirnandani Gardens.

 Rickshaw: from IIT Main Gate to Pizza – Galleria – D’Mart – Heritage Tower bldg which is one sideof  our Heritage Garden, next to Verona and opposite Glen Towers on Cliff Avenue.

We will be sending the list of trees in a day or two.

Hope to see you all. 


TAW Team

Thanks, …


I must thank you … for letting the members know about our Tree Walks….. Efloraofindia has been a great help to us in learning to know about plants and in identifying them too.