Nepeta erecta (Royle ex Benth.) Benth., Labiat. Gen. Spec. 482 1834. (syn: Dracocephalum erectum Royle ex Benth.; Glechoma erecta (Royle ex Benth.) Kuntze [Illegitimate]; Nepeta macrantha Ledeb. ex Hook.f.);
Common name: Erect Catmint
E. Afghanistan to W. Himalaya (as per WCSP);


Nepeta erecta ATJUNE2016/08 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Gone through Nepeta page on efloraindia. It has not included Nepeta erecta. So thought of sharing this beautiful plant clicked near Manali
in October last year.

Really beautiful…thanks for adding one more taxon in the database …!!

Tried to click from front side of this flower, but all photographs are hazy.

Yes really beautiful Nepeta. Though known in Uttarakhand but never seen in wild. New to me.

To me these look a bit different from images at FOI.
Both of these (yours & FOI) look different from images of the same species at
Some other links:

Which is the correct species ?

The specimen seen in this link: should be Stachys melissifolia, and not Nepeta erecta

Thanks, … What about images of … your site & … images ?

I think … plant and … plant represent the same species, Nepeta erecta to my knowledge.


I attach the image of Nepeta erecta from FOH, Polunin & Stainton, for comparison. Attachments (1)

I mostly follow keys for differentiating between genera and species and ensure confirmation through various online resources. I have got all the Floras on Himachal Pradesh with me. According to my perception, plant posted by me and on FOI are same.

I am attaching key to the species found in Kullu district if Himachal Pradesh from “Flora of Kullu” by Dhaliwal and Sharma.

Attachments (4)

Thanks, …, for additional confirmation.


Nepeta erecta: 4 images.
Location:Adil abdulah.
Adil abdullah.