Carex ovoidispica O.Yano, Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 179: 24 (2015) (syn: Kobresia nitens C.B.Clarke);
N. Pakistan to Nepal: Nepal, Pakistan, West Himalaya as per POWO;

C.B.Clarke in Journ. Linn. Soc. xx. 379, t. 30, fig. 7 ; stems rigid, leaves linear channelled incurved, sheaths testaceous-brown scarcely lacerate, spike ellipsoid dense, bracteoles 1/5 in. ovate obtuse shining, style 3-fid, nut obovoid obtuse, beak very short scabrous.

WEST. HIMALAYA, alt. 12-15,000 ft. ; Kashmir, C.B.Clarke ; Kumaon and Gurwhal, Buthie. Stems 2-10 in. Leaves overtopping stem. Spikes 1/2 by 1/4 in. Bracteoles shining chestnut-colour, paler on back, margins often white-scarious. Nut in., very like that of K. schoenoides
(Attributions- IBIS Flora (Flora of British India))


SK18JUN27-2016:ID : 7 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (1)

Enclosing some pictures for identification.
Location : Nubra Valley
Altitude : 3048 m

Date: 24 August 2014

Carex sp I hope

Thanks, … If you have other images showing other parts, pl. post.

I have one more pic but not so good, however enclosing herewith. Attachments (1)

This seems to be a Carex species of high altitude. I need a specimen to confirm the identity.

This is Kobresia nitens. It is also considered synonymous with Kobresia inflata, Kobresia caricina, Kobresia simplisiuscula and also treated as Carex caricina, Carex simpliciuscula, etc. by some authors.
