Draba oreades Schrenk, Enum. Pl. Nov. 2: 56 1842. (syn: Draba algida var. brachycarpa Bunge; Draba alpicola Klotzsch; Draba alpina var. rigida Franch.; Draba kizyl-arti (Korsh.) N.Busch; Draba oreades var. alpicola (Klotzsch) O.E.Schulz ……………….; Draba qinghaiensis L.L.Lu; Draba rockii O.E.Schulz; Draba tianschanica Pohle; Pseudobraya kizylarti Korsh.);
Common name: Mountain Whitlow Grass
India: Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim (3900 – 4700 m); Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, China and Central & Western Asia as per BSI Flora of India
Seen this herb at Changla Pass (Altitude Approx: 17300ft). Beautiful mat plant of high altitude in profuse flowering. Known here in Uttarakhand but never seen in nature.