Common name: Chives
Himalaya to China (as per WCSP)

Allium przewalskianum is an Asian species of wild onion in the Amaryllis family.[2][3][4]

The species is widely distributed in mountains areas in the Himalayas (India, Nepal, Pakistan) and parts of China (Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Tibet, Yunnan).[5][6]
Allium przewalskianum has narrow bulbs up to 10 mm across. Scape is up to 40 cm tall, round in cross-section. Leaves are tubular, about the same length as the scape. Umbel is densely crowded with many red or dark purple flowers.[5][7][8][9]
Allium przewalskianum is one of two species referred to as jimbu in Nepal, used in Nepalese cuisine. The other is Allium hypsistum.[10]
(from Wikipedia on 15.7.16)



Allium sp..for ID— at Nubra Valley– Ladakh- July-PKA-26 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Seen this Allium sp. at Nubra Valley, Ladakh..
Requesting ID..

I hope Allium przewalskianum

Understandably, there are relatively few entries for Alliums on eFI.
Stewart observed that Allium is well represented in dry regions along the Afghan frontier and in the high, dry inner mountains of Chitral, Gilgit and Baltistan etc. They are sometimes abundant enough to be collected for food but many of the species are poorly represented in herbaria.
Although bulbs are often essential for identification they are often left behind by collectors,
Clearly, this is an issue for amateur photographers. Professional Indian botanists who collect voucher pressed specimens for subsequent identification in Indian herbaria will have secured permission to gather specimens in the first place.  Sometimes it is important or indeed, essential to know what the underground parts/roots/bulbs of a plant look like.
Naturally, amateur members of this group, not attached to an Institution and not formally collecting/photographing on behalf of one, are not in a position to up-root plants. Or perhaps it would be acceptable to the authorities to photograph Allium bulbs and then firmly “replant” them –
as bulbs they would survive the process (especially if watered in).  What are the rules in India?
Clearly, IF bulbs are essential, for identification in some species, then this issue needs to be addressed.
One of the fundamental problems is that the genus has received insufficient attention. Perhaps, with more good quality close-up images of flowers and foliage, characteristics to distinguish between all species can be worked out. It IS essential to be able to RELIABLY identify all plants belonging to ALL genera.
As for Allium przewalskianum there is an existing posting but additional images and information are worthwhile.
Stewart knew this from Chitral, Baltistan and Ladakh including Shyok Valley.
Flowers of Himalaya recorded it from stony slopes & steppes @ 2700-4300m from Pakistan to Central Nepal.
Its flowers are usually lilac.  Bulbs cylindrical, covered with rusty-brown finely netted scales.
Flora of Lahaul-Spiti considered it a doubtful species recorded by Chowdhery & Wadwha in 1984.
Klimes found this at field margins, stabilised screes, sandy steepes among large boulders to steppe semi-deserts, often forming large deserts in part of Lower Ladakh.
Please look out for and photograph, in close-up detail, any Allium you come across in the Himalaya.