Croton klotzschianus



Submission of Croton klotzschianus : 4 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (2)
Croton klotzschianus Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyl. 276. 1861.

Ver.names: Klotzsch’s Croton (Eng.); Naragonji (Tel.).
Deciduous shrub, 1-3m tall. Leaves alternate or 3 at each node; lamina 5-14 × 2.5-6 cm; elliptic-oblong, serrulate, membranous, 2 stalked glands at the base of lamina. Flowers 3-4mm in diam., distantly arranged in 10-25cm long androgynous terminal lax racemes. Staminate flowers 4-5 mm across, tepals 10 in 2 whorls, creamy; stamens more than 20, exerted.  Sepals 5, petals 0, in carpellate flowers; ovary globose. Capsule 8mm in diam., globose, green. Seeds 4mm long, black, caruncle present.
Habitat & location: Rare; endemic; In shady areas along the ravines of Velugonda hills.
Photographed at Rapur ghat.
Flowering period: July-November.

Thanks, …, for adding a new species in efi.

Thank you very much for sharing images of Croton klotzschianus (Wight) Thwaites. This species is very close to C. gibsonianus, into which it sometimes tends to merge, usually distinguishable by its smaller parts.


Euphorbiaceae sp. Id please: 4 images.
Found in Allikuli hills,Thiruvallur dt. TN.Jan23
It was collected for goats.
Used to feed the goats after crushing the leaves with the salt.
It had given a smell when when crushed or just smell..
Habit not clear … looks like a woody shrub for its habitat.

Check with Croton klotzschianus

This is a Croton. Similar to C. klotzschianus but it may be a variant with much smaller parts.

More details
2 images.

Yes, appears close to images at


Updated on December 24, 2024

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