The species is recorded from south and southeast Asia: in Myanmar, southern China (Hainan), Viet Nam, Sri Lanka and India. In India it is found in Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Diu, Daman, Orissa and Tamil Nadu. It is also recorded from Indonesia) (Cook 1996, eFloras 2011).

It is an annual plant. Often very abundant, it is not confined to wetlands but often found in wet places, even in standing water in ditches, marshes and rice fields.
This is a medicinal plant. The roots are bitter and astringent and used as a tonic (Cook 1996).

Citation: Rehel, S. 2011. Epaltes divaricata. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2011: e.T177345A7418427. . Downloaded on 08 September 2016.



Submission of Epaltes divaricata : 2 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Plant name: Epaltes divaricata (L.)Cass., Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 139. 1818.
Family: Asteraceae
Description: Annual, diffuse, fleshy herbs, 10-15cm tall. Stems angled and winged. Leaves alternate; base decurrent; lamina 3-6 ×  0.5-1.5cm, linear-lanceolate, margin dentate. Heads homogamous, 5-8mm across, ovate, pink, 1-3 in terminal corymbose cymes. Bracts 2 seriate, aristate, longer than florets. All florets bisexual, companulate. Corolla pink, 5 lobed. Staminal tube with style and stigmas included. Achenes 6-8mm, oblong, ribbed brown.
Habitat & location: Common in dry sandy or gravel soils near moist areas. Photographed at Penchalkona, Kothapatnam.