
Tiny, ornamental potted plant with yellow flowers seen in Gurgaon on 17/3/12.

Posted earlier on our group.

Succulent for ID : Gurgaon : 020612 : AK-3

Some earlier relevant feedback from mentioned old thread :

“not sure but Looks like Sedum nussbaumerianum.” from …
“Could this be Graptopetalum paraguayense of Crassulaceae?

Experts kindly confirm id.

Looks like Graptopetalum sp. but differs in flower and leafing

pattern to Graptopetalum paraguayense.

Yes, does look like Graptopetalum Species.

Yes …


Succulent for ID : Gurgaon : 020612 : AK-3:

A very tiny cultivated potted plant seen at Gurgaon on the 17th of March,12 having very tiny yellow flowers.


not sure but Looks like Sedum nussbaumerianum

Could this be Graptopetalum paraguayense of Crassulaceae?

Experts kindly confirm id.