Himalaya to China (Yunnan) as per WCSP;

Perennial herb. Stems erect,40-80cm,pubescent to subglabrous. Leaves ovate,4-11 x 2.9-8.2cm,base ± truncate with lamina slightly decurrent on petiole, apex acuminate, margin coarsely serrate to crenate; upper surface sparsely hairy; lower surface with scattered, small, dark red glands, hairy on veins; petiole 2-7.4cm. Bracts ovate to ovate oblong, 3-5 x 1-4mm. Inflorescence 10-35 x 4-4.5cm.Pedicels 4-12mm.Calyx clearly bilabiate, broadly campanulate, c 2.5mm,glandular pubescent and with scattered dark sessile glands; upper lip teeth c 1mm;lower lip slightly longer than upper, teeth c 0.5mm;fruiting calyx enlarging to 5mm,upper lip recurved, c 1.5mm;lower lip straight, c 4mm,ovate.Stamens exserted; outer pair of filaments with tuft of hairs at base. Nutlets broadly ellipsoid, c 1.5mm.

Fl. July-August
Damp grassy banks or streamsides in Pinus wallichiana/Quercus semecarpifolia forest.
(Attributions- A.C.J Grierson & D.G Long. Flora of Bhutan. Published by RBGE and RGoB. 1999 from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)

Isodon scrophularioides (Wall. ex Benth.) Murata : 9 posts by 1 author. 8 images- 4 to 7 mb each.

Location: Kathmandu Valley
Date:  October 2020 
Elevation: 2700m.
Habitat  : Wild
Syn : Rabdosia scrophularioides (Wall. ex Benth.) H.Hara

Yeah, it is Isdon scrophularioidesIn China, only found yellow flowers, very beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


Isodon scrophularioides (Wall. ex Benth.) Murata Inbox: 7 high res. images.

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: 26 August 2023
Altitude: 2485m.
Habitat : Wild


Isodon scrophularioides (Wall. ex Benth.) Murata: 5 very high res. images.

Location: Phulchoki, Lalitpur, Nepal
Date: 14 September 2024
Altitude: 2488m.
Habitat : Wild 
