31.08.11.JP.02 – Eriocaulon spp. identification2: Another species of Eriocaulon seen at Matheran.
This one has prominent (involucral?) bracts beneath the inflorescence.

This could be Eriocaulon heterolepis Steudel, which has long exceeding involucral bracts. I have collected this species myself from Maharashtra. However, I can not confirm the identity without seeing the dissected flowers and seeds. You may refer the book ” Eriocaulaceae of India by Ansari & Balakrishnan. 
Important diagonostic features for this species are as follows..
Rootstock absent; Peduncles many; Heads white or grey; Involucral bracts oblong-lanceolate, spreading; Male sepalsconnate ion to a spathe, 3-lobed; Anthers blac; Female sepals-3, free, unequal; Female petals 3, spathulate, not clawed; Cells of seed coat transversely elongated, aligned in vertical rows; Appendages 5-6. dialated at apex, from the transverse radial walls appears to be in transverse rings on the surface of the seeds.

Thanks, … It does not match with images of Eriocaulon heterolepis at