Rinorea bengalensis

Rinorea bengalensis (Wall.) Kuntze as per POWO;
Rinorea wallichiana (Hook. fil. & Thoms. in Hook. fil.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 42 1891. (syn: Alsodeia bengalensis Wall.; Alsodeia fasciculata Turcz.; Alsodeia immersa Craib ; Alsodeia lankawiensis Ridl.; Alsodeia obtusa Korth.; Alsodeia paradoxa Blume ex Oudem.; Alsodeia pruinosa Pulle ; Alsodeia salomonensis Rechinger ; Alsodeia semigyrata Turcz.; Alsodeia wallichiana Hook. fil. & Thoms. in Hook. fil. ; Alsodeia zeylanica Thw.; Gelonium glandulosum Elmer ; Gelonium trifidum Elmer ; Pentaloba bengalensis Wall. ; Pentaloba ceylanica Arn.; Pentaloba fasciculata Turcz.; Pentaloba macrophylla Wall. ;  Pentaloba semigyrata Turcz. ;  Pentaloba zeylanica Thw.; Rinorea bengalensis (Wall.) Gagnep.; Rinorea fasciculata Merrill ; Rinorea glandulosa (Elm.) Merrill ; Rinorea immersa (Craib) Craib ; Rinorea lankawiensis Craib ; Rinorea obtusa Kuntze ; Rinorea paradoxa J. J. Smith ex Koorders & Valeton ; Rinorea pruinosa Melch. ; Rinorea salomonensis Melch. ; Rinorea semigyrata (Turcz.) J. J. Smith ; Rinorea wallichiana (Hook. fil. & Thoms.) M. R. Henderson (ambiguous synonym) ; Rinorea zeylanica Kuntze ; Suregada glandulosa (Elmer) Croizat ; Suregada trifida (Elmer) Croizat ) as per CoL;
China (SW. Guangxi) to Tropical Asia and Caroline Islands: Andaman Is., Assam, Bangladesh, Borneo, Cambodia, Caroline Is., China Southeast, East Himalaya, Hainan, India, Jawa, Laos, Lesser Sunda Is., Malaya, Maluku, Myanmar, New Guinea, Nicobar Is., Philippines, Queensland, Solomon Is., Sri Lanka, Sulawesi, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam as per POWO;

ANMAR38/60 Dimorphocalyx(?) sp. for identification : 3 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (11) 

Date: 21st March 2015
Place: Aralam WLS, Kerala

Habit: Short tree
Habitat: Riparian

Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus (= D. lawianus).

Flowers & fruits look different from other images at Dimorphocalyx glabellus var. lawianus (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.
May I request you to pl. clarify.

Thank you very much for pointing out.

I have now downloaded all the images (unfortunately of very low resolution). I can think of no genus other than Dimorphocalx for the typical male flowers. The last two images are of somewhat immature fruits and they were most probably found on a separate plant (dioecious genus).  The leaves are of typical D. lawianus (note a gland along the leaf-margin on the sixth image, DSC 0587). However, the most obvious difference which I find is the non-accrescent fruiting sepals which clearly points to a distinct and probably undescribed species. This is indeed very interesting (if I am not mistaken) and I would suggest … to go back to the locality, collect specimens and study in detail. Such non-accrescent fruiting sepals are known in D. muricatus of South East Asia and Malesia which however possesses muriculate capsules.
Recently someone sent me a few images of a supposed Dimorphocalyx from North East India which also had such non-accrescent female sepals but the inflorescence pattern was different from the present images.

The images are of Rinorea bengalensis (Wall.) O. Ktze. (Violaceae)


Updated on December 24, 2024