Glochidion nubigenum Hook.f., Fl. Brit. India 5: 315 1887. (syn: Diasperus nubigenus (Hook.f.) Kuntze; Glochidion metanubigenum Hurus. & Yu.Tanaka; Glochidion velutinum var. nubigenum (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & M.Gangop.);
Nepal to SE. Tibet and N. Thailand: Assam, East Himalaya, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Tibet as per POWO;
Common name: Alpine Cheese Tree
India: In warm broad-leaved forests, between 1500 – 2400 m altitudes. West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam and (?) Arunachal Pradesh; Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, China and Thailand as per BSI Flora of India;

Similar to G.velutinum but less pubescent throughout leaves ovate-elliptic 7-13*3.5-6cm, acuminate, base petioles 3-5mm, style broad and flat with 5-6 minute riased lobes fruit strongly depressed 1cm diameter, deeply 8-10 lobed with central broad flat stylar remains.

Warm broad-leaved forests
(Attributions- Grierson A.J.C &Long D.G. Flora of Bhutan. Volume 1 Part 3. Published by RBGE 1987. from Bhutan Biodiversity Portal)

SK229DEC08-2016:ID : 8 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (8)
Location: Gurje Bhanjyang, Kathmandu , Nepal
Altitude:  6000 ft.
Date: 6 June 2015

Seeing on my mobile. Not sure. At first sight it appears to me to be Glochidion bhutanicum or near to that. Please compare with the type image available online at Edinburgh herbarium. Also have a look at the original description.

Glochidion lanceolarium ??


Try bhutanicm and nubigenum. I am on the move. Unable to verify.

This is Glochidion nubigenum Hook.f., an addition for EFI.

Thank you for the ID.
Phyllanthus nubigenus (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr. (accepted name)
Glochidion nubigenum Hook.f. (synonym)


SK 2239 23 October 2019 : 13 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (3)- 1, 1 & 3 mb.

Location: Ranikot, Gundu, Bhakltapur 
Date: 15 September 2019
Elevation: 2012 m.
Habit : Wild
Phyllanthus velutinus (Wight) Müll.Arg. ??
Syn: Glochidion velutinum Wight

Attachments (2)- 3 mb each.

Attachments (1)- 7 mb.

interesting. I need to search. cant find this sp name in our Glochidion page

Indian biodiversity portal lists this


Thank you all. I have seen all comments and links. First, I request you not to mix up Glochidion with Phyllanthus. The former is clearly distinct from the latter in absence of floral glands.
The present images are, due to absence of a disc, referable to Glochidion. As regards the species, I know from my experience that species of Glochidion invariably have a glabrous counterpart or vice versa.
Here, the species is Glochidion nubigenum Hook.f. but I am not seeing any trace of hairs on the images. Thus, after further investigation, you may describe this as a new (glabrous) variety of G. nubigenum, in case you have collected ample samples for preparing herbarium specimens.

Unfortunately, I have not collected specimen. Need to wait for next year !

yes. that should be our next phase of development. collecting herbarium specimen. … has one and perhaps …
I used to until in my absence insects and fungi took their toll and I had to discard all.
how can one do it at home level, … in this hot humid environment

That is good suggestion …! Sometimes, I used to collect.


Glochidion nubigenum Hook.f.: 9 very high res. images.

Location: Suryabinayak, Bhaktapur
Date: 30 April 2024
Elevation: 1418 m.
Habit : Wild



POWO  Catalogue of Life (Phyllanthus nubigenus (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.)  The Plant List Ver.1.1  WCSP (Phyllanthus nubigenus (Hook.f.) Chakrab. & N.P.Balakr.) IPNI  GBIF (with type specimen) BSI Flora of India  Flora of China  Annotated checklist of Flowering plants of Nepal  Flowers of India  Bhutan Biodiversity Portal