Rhynchosia densiflora (Roth) DC. (syn: Glycine densiflora Roth);
Angola (N); Botswana (N); Ethiopia (N); Kenya (N); Malawi (N) ; Mozambique (N) ; Namibia (N); Nigeria (N) ; Rwanda (N) ; Sao Tome & Principe (N) ; South Africa (N) ; Sudan (N) ; Swaziland (N) ; Tanzania (N) ; Togo (N) ; Uganda (N); Zaire (N) ; Zambia (N) ; Zimbabwe (N); India (N); Andhra Pradesh ; Goa ; Gujarat ; Karnataka ; Kerala; Maharashtra ; Tamil Nadu ; Myanmar (N) ; Sri Lanka (N) as per ILDIS;
Submission of Rhynchosia densiflora : 2 posts by 2 authors.
Plant name: Rhynchosia densiflora (Roth) DC., Prodr. 2:386. 1825.
Family: Fabaceae
Description: Slender twining herbs, branchlets hirsute. Leaves 3 foliate, terminal leaf let 5-7 x 3-4cm, laterals 2.5-4 × 3-5 cm, obovate-rhomboid, acute, basally, 3-nerved, inequilateral, membranous, puberulous. Flowers yellow, 1-1.5cm long, in many flowered dense axillary racemes to 6 cm long; bracts lanceolate, ciliate. Calyx lanceolate, glandular pubescent, lower one 1 × 0.7 cm. Corolla yellow, papilionoid, standard yellow with red streakes, obovate; wings and keels subequal, inflexed. Stamens (9)+1, vexillary stamen free; anthers uniform. Ovary subsessile; ovules 2; style curved above middle, usually hairy at lower part; stigma terminal. Pod 1.5 × 0.5 cm, oblong, flat, smooth, long pilose, gland dotted; seeds 2.
Habitat & location: Rare. Found among bushes in hill areas. Photographed at N.Konda.
References: The Plant List Ver.1.1 |