Crepidifolium tenuifolium (Willd.) Sennikov, Sennikov in Bot. Zhurn. 92. 2007 1752 2007. (syn: Barkhausia tenuifolia (Willd.) DC.; Berinia tenuifolia (Willd.) Sch.Bip.; Brachyderea tenuifolia (Willd.) Sch.Bip.; Chondrilla baicalensis (Ledeb.) Sch.Bip.; Crepidiastrum tenuifolium (Willd.) Sennikov; Crepidifolium altaicum (Babc. & Stebbins) Tzvelev; Crepidifolium diversifolium (Spreng.) Tzvelev; Crepis altaica (Babc. & Stebbins) Roldugin; Crepis baicalensis Ledeb.; Crepis diversifolia (Spreng.) Walp.; Crepis elegans Fisch. ex DC. [Illegitimate]; Crepis pectinata Steph. ex Herder [Invalid]; Crepis pulcherrima Fisch. ex Link [Invalid]; Crepis tenuifolia Willd.; Crepis tenuifolia subsp. tenuifolia ; Geblera prenanthoides Andrz.; Geblera tenuifolia (Willd.) Kitag.; Hieracioides tenuifolium (Willd.) Kuntze; Lagoseris tenuifolia (Willd.) Rchb.; Prenanthes diversifolia Ledeb. ex Spreng.; Youngia altaica (Babc. & Stebbins) Czerep.; Youngia diversifolia (Ledeb. ex Spreng.) Ledeb. …; Youngia tenuifolia (Willd.) Babc. & Stebbins ….) ?;

See: and 3 following images. They do not show close-up detail but I think they MIGHT be Youngia tenuifolia?
But if other members know otherwise, do tell us.
Flowers of Himalaya does not mention Youngia but its Supplement does have a description and photo of Youngia tenuifolia susbp. diversifolia – recorded from Pakistan to Central Nepal Tibet & Central Asia @ 3000-4600m. A perennial of Tibetan borderlands.
Stewart records this from Kashmir & Ladakh @ 3000-4600m with Stewart himself finding it in rock crevices at Sonamarg.
It was located in the Stok Valley, Ladakh by Maxwell during the 1976 Southampton University Ladakh Expedition.
Flora of Lahaul-Spiti records this as rare in rock-crevices at Tandi.