India (N) ; Delhi ; Gujarat ; Maharashtra ; Manipur; Orissa ; Punjab ; Rajasthan & other countries as per ILDIS;

Grah. in Wall. Cat. 5635 ; herbaceous, stems finely silky, flowers usually all in the axils of the leaves, pod glabrescent or finely downy slightly recurved 6-8-seeded. T. anthylloides, Hochst. ; Baker in Oliv. Flor. Trop. Africa, ii. 118 ?

Plains of SCINDE, Stocks, Dalzell ; PUNJAB, Stewart ; BIRMA, Wallich.
Stems densely caespitose, under a foot high. Stipules ascending, setaceous ; leaflets 5-9, narrow oblanceolate, finely silky beneath, 1-1.1/4 in. long, often emar¬ginate. Flowers usually all geminate on short pedicels in the axils of the upper leaves, casually produced into a sparse raceme. Calyx 1/8 in., finely silky. Corolla red, twice the calyx. Pod 1-2 in. by 1/6 in. ; style glabrous, flattened.—Probably a third variety of T. purpurea. The Indian differs from the African plant by smaller flowers and fewer seeds.

(From The Flora of British India Vol 2 from IBIS Flora)



Tephrosia subtriflora Hochst &Baker : 4 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (2)

Tephrosia subtriflora Hochst & Baker, prostrate herb from Jodhpur out skirts

Appears variable as per the following: (type specimen)

This plant is Tephrosia subtriflora. Pods size is small in this case.