Lagotis globosa Hook. f. (syn: Gymnandra globosa Kurz);

C-Asia, W-Tibet, Pakistan (Chitral), Pakistani Kashmir (Deosai), Jammu &
Kashmir (Ladakh, Kashmir, Poonch)
as per Catalogue of Life;




Fwd: Lagotis globosa (Kurz) Hook.f. – new to eFI : 1 post by 1 author. Attachments (4)

Continuing my coverage of NW Himalayan Lagotis, I share images taken by Aaron Perez Haase of this peculiar-looking scree plant –
which one might NOT have imagined was a Lagotis at first sight. Indeed, you may well have been wondering what family let alone genus, it belonged to!
Stewart records this from 4500-5200m in N.Pakistan & Kashmir but not Ladakh.
Dickore & Klimes do include it in their Ladakh check-list of 2005.
Just the sort of plant I most enjoy and from high up in the mountains – growing quite well-camouflaged in what probably appeared as barren scree from a distance, so easily over-looked.