Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Wall. ex Dietrich) A. DC., Prodr. 9: 285 1845. (syn: Chelone latifolia Buch.-Ham. ex C.B. Clarke (ambiguous synonym); Corysanthera elliptica Wall. (ambiguous synonym); Corysanthera elliptica Wall. ex Dietrich (ambiguous synonym);  Cyrtandra hillii H. Lév.; Rhynchotechum latifolium Hook. f. & Thoms. ex C.B. Clarke);
Bhutan, Cambodia, China, NE India, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam as per Flora of China;

MS,Sept,2022/01 Rhynchotechum sp. (nirijuliense ?) for id: 6 images- 3 high res.
Location : Rescue Centre, Sihphir, Mizoram

Altitude : 1050 m.
Date : 01-09-2022
Habit : Undershrubs
Habitat : Wild

Rhynchotechum ellipticum ?

Yes, it appears close to images of Rhynchotechum ellipticum as in POWO.

A very good find.

Under shrub from Naharlgaon area of Arunachala Pradesh for ID : 6 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)
Wild under shrub from Naharlgaon area of Arunachala Pradesh for ID

I think Rhynchotechum ellipticum (Gesneriaceae)

It is correct as per some other internet images. Thank you …