Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker, Refugium botanicum 1868 t.50 1869. (syn: Cotoneaster linearifolius (G. Klotz) G. Klotz; Cotoneaster microphylla var. thymifolius (Baker) Koehne;Cotoneaster microphyllus f. linearifolius Klotz; Cotoneaster microphyllus var. thymifolius (Baker) Koehne; Pyrus thymifolia (Baker) M. F. Fay & Christenh.);
India (Himachal Pradesh), Nepal as per Catalogue of Life;




Cotoneaster microphyllus 1 AT NOV 2016/01 : 5 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (4)
Cotoneaster microphyllus
Theog (30km from Shimla) H.P.
Altitude: Approx. 2000m
21 October 2016
These plants were low lying and woody.
I am posting different populations separately.

Received images taken at Theog which I shall add to CD for Jeanette. Wise to send different populations separately as some are likely to
prove to be different species. 

I have also posted plants from two other locations.

Have now received the three separate e-mails with images from Theog, Churdhar & Shimla. All will be added to CD.
Will be interesting to see what determinations she comes up with. 

According to Jeanette Fryer whilst this is part of the MICROPHYLLI Section, it is NOT Cotoneaster microphyllus.  It is C.thymifolius Baker which is new to eFI.
This species has been recorded from H.P. and Nepal.  It is according to Fryer & Hylmo, a bit of a puzzle, previously thought to be a form of C.integrifolius, this appears more closely related to C.congestus.  More study is needed into the relationship between these two diploid species.
This lovely miniature is a real little treasure, very pretty at all times – in leaf, covered with its pinkish white flowers or when its bead-like fruit are sprinkled over its branches.

It is listed as C. integrifolius in flora if H.P.


Cotoneaster integrifolius (Roxb.) Klotz (accepted name) ??? : 3 posts by 3 authors. Attachments (3)

Location: Jomsom, Mustang, Nepal
Altitude: 9000 ft.
Date: 22 April 2013

This is another genus that has been poorly studied. I sent by CD the images of Cotoneasters posted on eFI to Jeanette Fryer in UK.  She does not use e-mail. I expected it would take weeks if not months before a response – she always has a back-log of specimens and photos to identify. WHEN these arrive then we can begin to improve the reference examples on this site.  I will store your images from Jomsom and accumulate more THEN, IF she is willing to name other photos, will send on another CD.
In the mean-time, no point in speculating as to the identity of this.
As to C.integrifolius, according to Fryer & Hylmo (2009) this species is found from Himachal Pradesh to Sikkim & Bhutan also Nepal.

I find these closer to images of … from Himachal Pradesh at Cotoneaster marginatus (Lindl. ex Loudon) Schltdl.              

On further scrutiny and checking of the fruits, I feel these images are more closer to images by … at Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker

Again elevation problem.

Plant for ID :: Shimla, Dec 2018 :: ARK2019-04 : 4 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

Seen this plant near our hotel near Shimla in Dec 2018.
Is this Cotoneaster microphyllus?.
Requested to please provide ID.

Cotoneaster sp ? 

Cotoneaster sp  

cant go further 

I feel these images are more closer to images and discussions at Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker 



Rosaceae week-Cotoneaster microphylla:  Bot. name: Cotoneaster microphylla
Date/Time: 26-09-2010 / 12:30PM
Location: On the way to Hampta Pass near Jofra (Altitude approx. 9500 ft)
Habitat: Wild

I am beginning a check on Cotoneasters posted on this site. Unfortunately, I suspect a majority are misidentified. Will be sending available images to Jeanette Fryer (on a CD she does not use e-mail). She was co-author with the late Bertil Hylmo of ‘Cotoneasters’ (2009) – the most knowledgeable person on the genus.  She is always busy with other identification tasks so will certainly take weeks perhaps months before we hear but worth the wait. 

Please note her comments: “Klotz included within C.microphyllus a number of taxa from a wide area ranging from W.Himalaya, Kumaon, through to eastern Tibet and the provinces of Yunnan & Sichuan but in its strictest sense C.microphyllus has only been recorded from Nepal.  More research is desperately needed. 

I hope her determinations (accurate identifications) will encourage members to take a greater interest in this neglected genus, photographing more species.   There is every possibility of locating species new to science within this genus. 

It makes sense, when those with specialist knowledge are available to name material to take full advantage.  The present situation with the naming of Cotoneaters in Indian herbaria is in need of improvement.  Many specimens are very old and/or in poor condition, of a scrappy nature in the first place

I feel these images are more closer to images and discussions at Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker 

Cotoneaster microphyllus Wall. ex Lindl. for you.
Loc.: On way to Churdhar, Himachal Pradesh (ca 1500m)
Date: 10th August, 2010.

I am starting to look at the images of Cotoneaster on this site. My expectation is that a majority will be misidentified. I am planning to send images on a CD to Jeanette Fryer (author with the late Bertil Hylmo) the most knowledgeable person on this genus.  She does not operate by e-mail.  She is busy and it will surely take weeks, if not months before she can devote the time but it will be worth the wait.  Please note that Fryer states that Klotz included within C.microphyllus a number of taxa from a wide area ranging from the Western Himalaya, Kumaon to eastern Tibet and the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan but C.microphyllus in its strictest sense has only been recorded from Nepal!   More research is desperately needed……
PLEASE NOTE THAT TWO OF THE THREE IMAGES photographed by … are of a Lonicera not Cotoneaster – the 3rd & 5th (4.jpg and 1jpg.).  The glossy, succulent berries are clearly nothing like Cotoneaster fruits.  I shall name this Lonicera in due course.

I am beginning a check on Cotoneasters posted on this site. 
Please note the 3rd and 5th images (4jpg & 1 jpg) are of a Lonicera which glossy, fleshy berries which clearly do not belong to a Cotoneaster.
Unfortunately, I suspect a majority are misidentified.  Will be sending available images to Jeanette Fryer (on a CD she does not use e-mail).  She was co-author with the late Bertil Hylmo of ‘Cotoneasters’ (2009) – the most knowledgeable person on the genus.  She is always busy with other identification tasks so will certainly take weeks perhaps months before we hear but worth the wait. 

Please note her comments: “Klotz included within C.microphyllus a number of taxa from a wide area ranging from W.Himalaya, Kumaon, through to eastern Tibet and the provinces of Yunnan & Sichuan but in its strictest sense C.microphyllus has only been recorded from Nepal.  More research is desperately needed. 

I hope her determinations (accurate identifications) will encourage members to take a greater interest in this neglected genus, photographing more species.   There is every possibility of locating species new to science within this genus. 

It makes sense, when those with specialist knowledge are available to name material to take full advantage.  The present situation with the naming of Cotoneaters in Indian herbaria is in need of improvement.  Many specimens are very old and/or in poor condition, of a scrappy nature in the first place.

Yes, … Photographs no 1 & 4 are of Lonicera.. I had posted some Lonicera in efi and also sent a mail to the authors of review of Lonicera and Devendaea in India. But he did not respond. I do not know why people do so.

I shall also be posting my Cotoneaster in efi, so that they get properly identified. I have some doubts on the identity of Osbeckia species of India posted at efi and FoI. Can you spare some time to have a look?

I have yet prepared the CD with images of Himalayan Cotoneasters to post to Jeanette, so if you have any other images (with location and altitude as usual) do send if you can, so can be included. 
Always happy to take a quick look at images and then more in depth, if required and when time is available.

I feel these images (except 3rd & 5th- due to different leaf venation and shiny nature of leave) are more closer to images and discussions at Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker 

To me the images 3rd (4.jpg) and 5th (1.jpg) appear more towards Ribes than Cotoneaster..


Not Ribes, …. Streaks are present on the fruits of Ribes. Leaves are also different.

I think Lonicera.

I also consider it as Lonicera sp.

Where was this photograph clicked ?

Oh, got it. It is from Churdhar (H.P.)

Mixed up photographs of Lonicera are of L. angustifolia var. myrtillus as per Flora of Sirmaur.

Yes, thanks for correcting

On the way to Hampta Pass near Jofra (Altitude approx. 9500 ft); ID request-28102010-PKA1 – efloraofindia | Google Groups








SK646 14 JUL-2017:ID : 5 posts by 2 authors. Attachments (10)
Location: Upper Mustang, Nepal 
Date: 9 April 2017 2017
Altitude: 12000 ft. 
Cotoneaster sp. Which one  ????

Cotoneaster species in eFloraofindia (with details/ keys from published papers/ regional floras/ FRLHT/ FOI/ Biotik/ efloras/ books etc., where ever available on net)

I think closer to images at Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker 

Where can we verify the elevation of habitat? Cotoneaster linearifolius

Possibly in J. Fryer’s book. 

as i have said earlier, elevation of any plant must have changed with changing climate. the tree lines in taller mountains have changed. vegetations have changed. where there were glaciers we see barren rocks with some greenery showing up in photographs and as time goes on some trees. see pictures of Alaska glaciers from 20 30 50 years ago and now. you will see what i am talking about and i am sure same phenomenon is taking place in our Himalayan glaciers if only we can find dated photos. elevations would be a mutable entity in flora of mountains. so if we find the older data for your cotoneaster well and good. we can note that and also note the change in habitat at altered elevation for a duly correctly identified species. that would be scientific and a data point for some botanists to add to their database and for some climatologists to add to their database. isn’t life wonderful. three sets of data from one set of photographs? only caveat is correct id of that plant.




Plant for ID :: Shimla, Dec 2018 :: ARK2019-04 : 6 posts by 4 authors. Attachments (5)

Seen this plant near our hotel near Shimla in Dec 2018.
Is this Cotoneaster microphyllus?.
Requested to please provide ID.

Cotoneaster sp ? 

Cotoneaster sp  

cant go further  

I feel these images are more closer to images and discussions at Cotoneaster thymifolius hort. ex Baker 

Thank you … for the ID.