Trifolium alexandrinum ?;


Fabaceae herb for ID 290212MK02: Please help me to identify this trailer herb found growing among grasses in a private garden at Ooty, Nilgiris, TN
Date: 02 Oct 2012
Alt: c. 1800 m ASL
Leaves and inflorescence are not more than 2cm long

Some Medicago species ?

From the finely all round serrated leaflets, with deeply impressed veins upto edges, and the stipules, this looks like a Clover, Trifolium sp…
The plant is sprawling, but no distinct V-marks on the leaflets, so not sure if could be a T. repens.

To me these appear close to images at Trifolium alexandrinum L.

For me the photographs seen in the link do not match with those of …

No, these pics do not belong to Trifolium alexandrinum.. Instead, they can be Trifolium resupinatum

Thanks, … But do not belong to Trifolium resupinatum either as per images and details herein.

It may be related to fenugreek (Trigonella)

I do not think matches with any species at /species/a—l/f/fabaceae/trigonella

Leaf margin is entire in T.  alexandrinum but serrated in this case.
And does not look like matching with any from FopI !

This looks closest